
Pop week 9

Posted 10y 0mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Lauren

Just a reminder the next POP circling will be week 9 (4th March) and the theme will be Under the Sea (So get creative!). 

I would advise you to get tickets asap as you may have noticed today it's been announced that The Chuckle Brothers are coming to Pop week 9 so I imagine it'll sell out more quickly than normal!!

Polo Hoodies

Posted 10y 0mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Hadyn

Howdy all,

Polo hoodies are ready to order, these are different to the canoe club hoodies you may have heard about however, ours are vastly superior as they have Polo written on them!

There are Varsity Hoodie and Chunky Zoodie (zipped hoodies) these come with the club logo printed on the back, the university crest & club name embroidered on the left breast and your name embroidered on the right breast. This is all included in the price of the hoodie. 

The Varsity Hoodies cost £21.45 and the Chunky Zoodies cost £26.95. You order and pay for the hoodies by following the link below to the online shop. This online shop will be open for just 2 weeks and will shut at the end of the day on Friday 21st February. Once the shop shuts the hoodies will be ordered and delivered in one go about 2-3 weeks later.

Rash Vests! The deadline for placing your order with your size preference is Monday morning (9th Feb) As I will be sending the order e-mail out on Monday these only cost £15 plus P&P and are the only piece of team kit we ask you to buy. And For Fuck's Sake please change your user name on the club website from your university number to your actual name if you haven't already, you can do so here: 



Posted 10y 1mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Lauren
Hola amigos, ItÔÇÖs that time of the year again; Scotland Tour is upon us! From Sunday 15th March to Monday 23rd March (first week of Easter Holidays) Warwick Canoe Club will be heading up to Scotland for a week of serious paddling and hardcore Fun! Scotland Tour is our biggest and bestest trip of the year and for any keen kayaker out there one not to miss! We will spend the first half of the trip in a bunkhouse in Nethy Bridge and then will be moving on to a second bunkhouse near Fort William. Potential paddling includes: the Spene Gorge, the mighty Findhorn, the legendary Etive and many more besides. The trip will cost ┬ú220, which is a bargain for 8 days considering it includes accommodation, transport, all your kit for the week, a group meal one night and more! As if that wasnÔÇÖt enough: We will also be ordering in kegs of ale to the first bunkhouse just to add to the fun (for all those ale drinkers out there). The idea is we keep a track of how many pints each person drinks and then they pay for them at the end of the week! Simple! To come on the trip you must have been on at least one other club trip beforehand. If you have yet to be lucky enough to go on a club trip speak to a member of the exec about your eligibility to come on the trip. In order to go on the trip you must sign up on the website. Sign ups will go live at 6pm sharp next Monday (9th February). This will be a popular one so I suggest being by a computer at this time ready to sign up!! (IÔÇÖve made it after most people finish lectures so hopefully everyone should be free). Once the sign up closes we will send a confirmation email to each lucky paddler that signed up soonest to confirm their place on the trip. If you get a confirmation email you are committed to paying for the trip. In the event that you can no longer go on the trip then email us ASAP and we will try and find someone to take your place. If you are unable to make the trip and you have yet to receive a confirmation email but you have signed up on the Warwick Canoe website then send us an email and we will remove your sign up. I hope youÔÇÖre all as excited as I am!!

Friday Polos

Posted 10y 1mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Jold Git

Hiya All,

There will be an additional training polo training session in the pool at 11:00 till 12:30 this friday morning. 

Everyone is welcome, the more the merrier, this will be a more structured training session with multiple drills aimed at improving boat skills, passing, shooting, paddling technique, goalkeeping etc

We will be learning and practicing those dip turns, along with other techniques like keeping possesion, lessening a tackle, skinning. A little bit of nose dip dancing as well.

We have the friday session slot for this week and for week 8. So make the most of them!

The reason we have this slot is for preparation for the div 4 tournament on the weekend, but as i say, everyone is welcome. This is a good opportunity to ask how to do stuff or just to get a bit more information about techniques/rules etc               and more practice :) 

Jamie :) 

Canoe hoodies -yey!!

Posted 10y 1mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Nicky
Hiya canoers' old and new!
To stop our poor club members freezing themselves anymore in our breezy 2nd term we have some beautiful canoe club hoodies on sale, which are super warm (and loaded with useful pockets) - just ask anyone from last year!

Just follow the links through on the WEBPAGE to the Warwick canoe page (Warwick university societies > Warwick canoe)

There are two logos to choose from, plus a range of colors and sizes and the option to get your name embroidered too.
The price is £20.95 with name and slightly cheaper without (just ignore the part about VAT on the webpage- it is included already).

The deadline is 2 weeks time! so everyone has them in time for tour and/or showing off in Easter- (expected to arrive round week 8)
So go go go!

if you need any help with the webpage or sizes just post below and i'll get back asap

Lots of love Nicky x


Posted 10y 1mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Lauren
Hey guys and gals, This friday (30th January) is PUB GOLF!!! The idea is you have a list of drinks to drink upon the route and the quickest one to drink them all wins! We shall be meeting at 6:30pm at The Duck for dinner and finishing in Leamington at Kelsey's (possibly Neon if we're feeling brave!!) Those that arent joining us for dinner meet at the Duck for 7:30pm and the course shall start then. Costume Theme is: Babies/ toddlers for freshers, rebellious teens/ geeks for 2nd years, OAPs for 3rd/4th years and the Afterlife for old gits. Penalties for those with poor costume! If you want to go to Neon afterwards (or think you'll get there) remember to wear a disposible costume so you'll be allowed in!! Remember: Bring along a pen/pencil to mark your score otherwise no one will ever know what a heavyweight you are!! There will also be a non-alcoholic and a lighter route for those not wanting to hit it hard. Love, Your amazing social secs, Lauren and Jamie xx

Canoe Polo Refresher Taster Session

Posted 10y 1mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Lauren
Next Tuesday from 8pm-10pm in the pool (27th January) Canoe Polo are holding a refreshers taster session for those that want to give Polo a go. It will be a more of a chilled out session giving newcomers the chance to try out the sport without being thrown in at the deep end! So if youve spent the first term floating around at a canoe session and are thinking "i wonder what it would be like if a ball and some goals were added into the equation??" come along! And bring your friends!! : (as it is a taster session anyone should be able to get into the pool even without warwick sport membership if they mention they are there for a canoe polo taster session at reception). Hopefully see you all there!!

Polo Rash Vests

Posted 10y 1mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Hadyn

By now you have seen several people walking about with wearing some sexy blue polo rash vest, well now is the time to get in on that action. We are putting an order in for polo rash vest if you want to look sexy as, then you must post up on the website here by Sunday 8th February (end of week 5) along with your size XS, S, M, L, XL e.c.t.

This year they are going to cost £15 (inc VAT) plus postage which will depend on how many we order but I estimate it to be an additional 50p-90p.

Stay tuned and I will have more information about our Polo Hoodies shortly. 


Ball Throwing Practice

Posted 10y 1mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Jold Git
Hi all, Informing you of a club Ball Throwing practice and training session next wednesday 28th of January at 8am-9am in the Westwood Games Hall This may sound silly but ball throwing is an essential skill in canoe polo and we all need to practice it. The session will mainly consist of groups of two people passing to hand, varing the distance, the angle, which hand you use, short and hard, lob passes, side by side, forwards and backwards, from behind etc. We will also do circle based drills, multiball reaction training and a few other drills/games. There are many subtleties involved with throwing the ball. Remember to throw with your wrist, elbow, shoulder and trunk rotation. Try and catch with one hand and release in the same motion. Remember to take the speed off the ball by reaching out for it and then bringing it back. Copy someone who you think throws really well with a similar build to you. During games, think about where someone needs to receive it and at what speed, also try to match the pass with their capabilities; level of concentration, alertness and skill level. Open to everyone, of course :) , It'd be especially really good to see all those who are already in Warwick Teams in attendance :) cya there on Wednsday 28th at 8am in the Westwood Games Hall, I might even be tempted by a library cafe breakfast afterwards... bring your student id to get into the hall :) The Coaching Secretary, Jamie Anderson

Pop and pool session cancellation

Posted 10y 1mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Lauren

Hey guys,

Just a subtle reminder to buy circling tickets for POP this Wednesday. The theme is Storybook characters so I hope to see some great outfits (Ive already bought my face paint!!) There are still circling tickets available if you haven't had a chance to get one yet.

Because of POP there will be no pool session this wednesday (21st January).

Lots of Social Sec love,

Lauren and Jamie x