
Wet n wild n damn important- SCOTLAND 06!!!!

Posted 18y 4mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Angie
Right then Boys and Girls of the Warwick Canoe Club:

Here it is  the one youve all been waiting on  my horrendously long, jam packed with important info (that Hayden will know nothing of)  drum roll please


Ooooh where to start (IÔÇÖd go put the kettle on this might be Dickens Length)

MONEY: (where the power is) Simple this one ÔÇô if you havnÔÇÖt paid ÔÇô Why the hell not!!? IÔÇÖm giving Louise full right to come and break kneecaps, in fact IÔÇÖm going to come and help her (and if you thought Roberts and Whitbread were scary you ainÔÇÖt seen nothing yet) Sort it out people.

ACCOMODATION: Is as you all hopefully know in Linnhe Lochside Cavavans (see link. In Four Static Caravans there. Please can you give your mom/auntie/the dog this info as mobile signal is dodgy as in wee olde Scotland. These Caravans all have such luxuries as heating, showers, stoves etc and the site has a drying room so all is good.

The Caravans are as follows:

The Dream Team: Ben, Iain, Frodo, Noj & Wen
The Brotherhood: Gham, Webbo, Strongman, Hayden, Ms Bennet & Art
RichÔÇÖs Bitches: Rich, Kath, Ralph, Emily, Ali
Caravan X: (substitute ÔÇôtreme ÔÇôcessive ÔÇôrated as you wish, although really stems from me running out of imagination) Me, Nicky, Tom, Louise, Katie, Scarf

People can obviously switch round up there, but that is how it reads at the moment. Any tears/hysteronics bout not sleeping next to your best buddie (like my 8 year olds) please donÔÇÖt bother telling me, I am over it already

The people in BOLD are El Boss for that caravan ie pls make sure it ends up in the state it starts in and doesnÔÇÖt spend the intire week in a sea of beer cans. There is an ┬ú85 deposit that needs paying per caravan, pls can someone from each (coordinated by el boss) give a credit card no for this. It wonÔÇÖt be cashed unless we screw them over.

THE RED BOOK: Cult. Who has it? If it doesnÔÇÖt come IÔÇÖll cry.

DRIVERS: are to be respected/sucked up to/ idolised at all times. Make sure you pamper to their every wish and some one map reads for mister Roberts whilst feeding him pie.

FOOD: guess youll cook in the caravans, well do a Morrisons trip on the way up and numerous in the week, so dont worry too much bout it. Itll be a long drive tho so make sure you have lots of snack food to bribe people with etc

RIVERS: Please can everyone be a little bit flexible. Compromise may well have to be the word of the week on this one, yes you can throw yourself off Grade 6 drop (Fort William is the nearest A&E everyone) and yes you can poddle down a grade 3 with losdsa safety but you cant do it every day. Sorted? Good. Everyone will be safe and everyone will be happy cos as G will tell you Safteys not just a word.

KIT: ThereÔÇÖs 2 ft of snow on the ground up there at the mo, so rule of thumb, if youÔÇÖve got it take it.

TIMING: Ah final point we will be meeting on Wednesday the 5th April at 9.30 am outside our westwood garage. We will not be needing to do a sports centre run. Noj can you pick the van (Nk04 VVM) for me and G can you pick up the bus (Yx04 LHR). I am expecting Frodo, Webbo, Art, Hayden, Rich, Iain, Ben, Lou, Noj, Kath, G, Wen, Ali, Nicky, Strongman, Ralph and me to be there. If that looks wrong to you tell me know.

We will return home stupidly late/early in the morning on wed 12th/thurs13th (ie like 3am) and will put you all on a floor till morning. No worries there, weÔÇÖre just trying to save you another ┬ú10 on accm in Scot.

Okay thatÔÇÖs all for now folks,

Ring me 07709490303 with your sagas or email me

Yay Scotland


Miss Presidente


Posted 18y 4mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Angie

urgh. I hope this finds you in a better state than me apre elections.

Okay, important stuff- i will write a very long 'all the info you need' email asap (when the hangover dies) but for now IF YOU HAVE NOT FILLED IN YOUR DETAILS AND SIGNED MY TRIP FORM CAN YOU GO DO IT NOW. It is on the notice board in union north and will be till i take it down tommorrow lunch time.

There are actually a couple of spaces in transport so if you are now green with jealousy over this Fantastic opportunty having past you by you'd better ring me asap. By tommorrow it will be too late.

Finally we will be leaving 9am Wed 5th and returning very early thurs 13th in the morning, if you need to book trains etc. Any one needing a bed at either end pls post on the forum and we'll find you one.


Elle Presidente


Holiday Polo

Posted 18y 4mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Jon
The pool has been booked, every week over the holiday.

Wendesdays, 7.30 - 9.30


Posted 18y 4mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Louise

Scotland is fast approaching  (Yay! i hear you cheer) but I need your money! Thank-you to the small number of you who have paid me everything but everyone else please bring your chequebooks tonight or at Polo tmw. Otherwise PUT IT IN THE NOTICEBOARD ASAP.  Everyone owes me £75 and Emily, you owe me £65. I want everything by Wednesday please, at the latest.


Miss Moneypenny :)  

p.s. please don't give me cheques at the elections social.  Chances are i'll be quite drunk so won't be in a fit state to look after money / myself etc.

Tonight at the pool

Posted 18y 4mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Angie


Can those who braved the cold at the w/e pls be at the pool at 8pm to wash all that sand off those boats please. Shot gun not the G ride.

Anyone with the means to move boats at the garage 7.40pm, i'll get the key.


See you all later


Elle Presidente

The greatest social all year!

Posted 18y 4mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Woodie

ItÔÇÖs that time of year again when you start to panic about what to wear as the SPORTS FED BALL tickets go on sale on Monday!!!!!


This is the biggest sporting social of the year and for those who have never attended there are no excuses, just ask anyone who has already been and I am sure they will agree they had a fantastic time.┬á I unfortunately donÔÇÖt have much memory of last yearÔÇÖs event except lots of wine and a first aider clearing up blood, although photographic evidence supports I was having fun.


The evening will start of with a set dinner (we worry about whose veggie closer to the time) with some good old free wine to help the intellectual conversations flow across the white linen clad tables.  There will then be a guest speaker, who this year is the former boxing world champion Frank Bruno where afterwards he will present awards, (I feel this is a step up from last year as I have actually heard of him!!!).  After this it will be dancing til dawn, well maybe only until they chuck us out. 


For other clubs the fun stops there, but as our summer surf trip starts Sunday morning, the Sports Fed is the perfect way to begin the trip.  In true style, everyone will be in a horrific hung over state, or if you are lucky, at still drunk.


The price for these Sports Fed tickets is a rather steep £46 but it is an awesome night so go down to advanced on Monday and buy yourself one.



See you all on Monday,


Nicky your special social sex

money this weekend

Posted 18y 4mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Louise

Hi guys!

If you are braving it this weekend then please can you bring £12 cash for the campside and a cheque for the transport contributions - will be approx £10.


Miss (but not for much longer) Moneypenny

SURF THIS WEEKEND - important!

Posted 18y 4mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Angie

okay this email risks sounding a bit like you mum on the phone, and for that i'm sorry, but after much ummming and ahhhing think it needs to be meantioned.

Forcast for North Devon (our choosen destination) is 3 to -6 degrees Sat and Sun, and chance of snow showers. And theres snow on the floor at the moment. Surf's 1- 3 foot. Northery winds.

Okay decoded thats fecking nippy n small to medium surf.

I know that all sounds pesimistic - but i am a tad worried bout everyones camping gear so thought you should know. The trip will still run, but if you wish to quit now no one will think any less of you for it. You just need to tell me asap (before lunch tommorrow).

If you're still up for it pls also email and pack your hat!


Elle Presidente

PS also i know this is hard given the above but we are taking cars and space is limited so just be sensible.

Leam Training Session

Posted 18y 4mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Jon


There will be an extra training session next week, on the river Leam!

The Leam boat centre have some canoe polo goals set up and we will be using their pitch from 3 to 5 on Wednesday afternoon.  This will be great practice playing outside for anyone who will be at the BUSA's next term, although anyone is welcome to come along.

We will be meeting outside the sports centre at 2 to pack a van and we will then be taking the bus (as in the big pink bus) to Leamington. Changing facilities and showers are available at the Leam boat centre or at sports centre when we get back to unload boats.  We will then move on to the bar for the club elections.

There might be a small cost for the transport, but this will be sorted out on the day, shouldn't be more than a couple of pounds each.

Please post a reply to the news item on the website if you are coming, just so we can get an idea of the numbers.


The mighty mighty Canoe Club Elections

Posted 18y 4mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Doc Brown

Hello there.

You may have heard rumours or even received an e-mail informing you about the canoe club elections. Details are:

Meet at 18:00 in The Bar on Wednesday week 20 to get to the Farmhouse in Canley at 18:30 for a meal followed by elections. Be ready with your poems/songs/jokes if you are standing!

Now it gets difficult. As we are going to be such a massive group, they need to know food orders before hand, I think it means we get served within 24 hours. Soooo, please pick food from: and desert food from and send your choices, by e-mail and only by e-mail, to me, to this address:

I need this information by Thursday at 18:00 at the latest so I can check it with the Farmhouse people.

I now feel it's time for some hollow threats to try and emphasise the seriousness of not getting me the information on time. Please do not be late. I'm guessing a man who will remain un-named will send me a meaningless text on Monday morning with something like "dude man so late sorry food don't know hamster ceiling tractor lesbian sweet!" but spelled worse, so don't be surprised if he turns up in a wheel-chair.
