
End of Term and Upcoming Sessions!!

Posted 4mth 11d ago by Yousuf Mohammed

Hey everyone,


Firstly congrats to everyone for making it through Term 2!! We are finally at the end and ready for a well earned break. What better way than to switch off than attending the last polo session of the term tonight!


As it is the last session, there will be no more pool sessions until the start of Term 3 (w/c 22nd of April), HOWEVER, with BUCS being the 19-21th of April we have been given pool sessions for the last two weeks of the Easter break: 


Tuesday 9th April, 8:30 - 10pm

Friday 12th April 8:00 - 10pm

Tuesday 16th April 8:30 -10pm

Friday 19th of April 8:00 - 10pm (Although we would have left for BUCS at this point, the session time is still there)


These are all in the Sports Hub as usual. These sessions will be very helpful for those going to BUCS but anyone is welcome to attend, so if you are around during these weeks please do come along! 


There may also be the option of Leam training during these weeks too (more info will follow)!


Any questions feel free to contact any of the exec! 


I hope everyone has a restful break and good luck for any remaining exams/assignments. 


Polo love,


Yousuf xx 

Canoe and Canoe Polo Elections!!

Posted 4mth 28d ago by Yousuf Mohammed

Hey everyone, we are very excited to share details about this year's elections for exec! 

The night of elections will take place Week 2 of Term 3, Thursday 2nd May, on campus. If you would like to run for a position, please email the current president for the club you wish to run for (if it’s a joint position, please email both);





Anyone is allowed to run for any exec position beforehand, members are also welcome to run on the night for all exec roles excluding president.


Canoe elections run a little differently to other clubs, for each role we ask that you prepare a short speech (60s max) or sentence saying why you’re running for the role along with a canoe related parody song (or poem) and/or joke of your choice to perform on the night  (One song/poem for the whole evening, and a joke for each role you are running for). If you’re running for President you must also submit a short manifesto in advance


The exec positions are:


  • President
  • Vice President
  • Treasurer
  • Secretary
  • Coach
  • Tour Secretary
  • Kit Secretary



  • President
  • Treasurer
  • Secretary
  • Coach
  • Tournament Secretary
  • Kit Secretary



  • Social Secretary x2
  • Media Officer
  • Charities, Development, and Outreach (CDO) Officer


If you have any questions about any of the roles/what they involve or just elections themselves feel free to get in contact with any of the current exec.


Canolo Love,


Yousuf, Brother and all of the exec xx

Canoe Polo BUCS 2024

Posted 5mth 2d ago by Dan Collier

Good afternoon all,


The dates for Canoe Polo BUCS 2024 have been confirmed, 19th-21st April. We will be leaving Friday evening and returning Sunday evening. This trip is completely free, which covers transport, entry fees and accommodation! This is a great opportunity to represent the club and university at BUCS. 

As this is the week before term 3 starts and the exam timetable has not yet been released, making you unsure if you can come, please sign up anyway so we can gauge numbers and let an exec member know that you may or may not come depending on the timetable.

Sign up on the website:

Polo love,

Dan and the exec 

Warwick Canoe Polo Charity Fresher Tournament!!

Posted 5mth 9d ago by Yousuf Mohammed

Hey everyone! 

I am very excited to announce that we will be hosting a charity fresher tournament Saturday Week 8 (2nd of March) here at the Sports Hub! This will be happening from 2pm-7pm and we will be inviting other universities around the UK to partake too!

This is specifically a fresher tournament so this is for those of you who have just started out this year. This will also be a great way to prepare before Cardiff in Week 9.

Each team will also be allowed a ‘Playmaker’ who is someone on the team who is not a fresher to keep the game moving.

This is also part of our charity month and profits from this event will be going towards Kids with guts, hence we are asking for a £10 donation from each person who wants to partake in our Warwick team. 

If you are free please sign up on the following link:

If you have any questions feel free to contact any of the exec! 

Polo love,

Yousuf and all of the exec xx

><> Canoe Polo Snactics Talks <><

Posted 6mth 5d ago by Dan Collier
Next week on Tuesday I will be holding the first snactics talk of the term, where we will be looking at the rules for canoe polo. This is open to everyone, so no matter if you have been to one before and would like a refresher or if this is your first. Please come along as we have lots of tournaments going on this term!
We will be in R0.04 from 7pm on Tuesday and finishing just after 8 to go to the pool session starting at 8.30!
Hope to see lots of you there,
Dan and the polo exec

Ice Skating Skill Swap/Social!! 

Posted 6mth 23d ago by Yousuf Mohammed

Hey everyone, I hope everyone has had a lovely festive period and a happy new year! 

With Term 2 slowly approaching, I am happy to announce the first skill swap of the new year, with Warwick Ice Skating (WIS)! This is an exciting opportunity to try out some ice skating in Coventry; whether you’ve never been or a seasoned pro, I highly encourage you to give it a try! There will be plenty of WIS Exec there to help support you if needed. 

This will be taking place Wednesday Week 2 (17th of January) from 1pm-4pm. The ice rink is in Coventry (, and the cost will be £5 for the full 3 hours (including skate hire)! Just make sure to bring your student ID to get the discounted price. I will send more details on getting to the ice rink closer to the time.

The link to sign up is below:


WIS will then be joining us to try out some canoe polo Friday Week 2 (19th of January) for the first hour. 

If you have any questions feel free to ask! 

P.S We know that from the feedback form there were requests for more non-drinking socials, so this is one of many more to expect this term!  


Canolo love,

Yousuf and all the exec xx

Term 2 Fresher Reps Application!!

Posted 7mth 19d ago by Yousuf Mohammed

Hey everyone!


I hope you have all enjoyed the term and congrats on making it until the end! As we move into the Christmas holidays both Canoe and Canoe Polo are looking to elect Fresher Representatives (Reps) for the clubs! 


Putting yourself forward to be a fresher rep will be a great way to get some experience of being an exec member if you plan on doing so in the future, and is a rewarding way of being in the club! 


What are the responsibilities? 


Don’t worry, being a Fresher Rep will not be very strenuous at all! The main requirements are: 


  • To be a representative of the freshers (duh!) in the club and voice any concerns and issues
  • To attend the weekly exec meetings on either Monday (Canoe) or Tuesday (Polo) before the pool session. 
  • Offer a helping hand to exec members when required


If you are interested in applying contact us (Yousuf for Polo or Brother for Canoe) and let us know you would like to apply! We highly encourage as many of you to apply even if you are slightly interested. 


The deadline to apply will be the 1st of January 2024. Elections will then take place in Week 1 of Term 2. Exact details of what to expect at elections and what to do will be shared later on. 


If you have any questions regarding this feel free to contact either one of us! 


Hope you all have a lovely break and happy holidays! :)) 


Canolo Love,


Yousuf, Brother and all the Exec xx

><>Feedback Form<><

Posted 7mth 26d ago by James Bevan

Hey everyone, hope everyone’s doing well!


As we approach the end of our first term, we want to give you the opportunity to tell us how you’ve found both the clubs so far. Below are the links to feedback forms, one for each club. All responses are anonymous so feel free to tell us what you liked, what you didn’t like and what you would want to see more of in the coming year. If you’ve participated in both clubs feel free to submit a form for each. They only take a couple minutes to fill out so if you have the time, please fill them out so we can try and improve the clubs for everyone.



Canoe polo:


We hope you’ve all enjoyed this term and can’t wait to see you all next term!


Canoe love,

Brother, Yousuf and the rest of both the execs


<><VP Elections><>

Posted 8mth 6d ago by James Bevan

Hey everyone, hope you’ve all ben getting exited to vote for your new vice president of canoe!


Here’s what you need to know:

Time: 20:00 be on time or you might miss the chance to vote for your favourite candidate!

Date: Thursday 23/11/23

Location: A0.23 (Soc Sci) there are a few A0.23s, we are in the social science building so make sure you get the right one!

Dress code: won’t be as strict as normal elections but the dress code is formal attire


A few things of note:

  • You can only vote if you’re a member of canoe but feel free to come along anyway even if you’re not
  • All candidates will be performing a song/poem they have created, a joke and a short speech all in an attempt to win your vote!
  • There is always the option to vote for pebble (cannolo’s version of RON so vote for pebble if you want to re-open nominations) and abstaining from the vote is also an option
  • A group of us will likely be meeting in the duck before hand (more information to follow) so feel free to come along
  • The elections won’t take long as there’s only the one role to vote for but afterwards an unofficial social of sorts will be taking place! (details tbd)

The candidates

Your potential future vice presidents are as follows:

Charlie Burgess

James Tovey

Fen McLean

And of course Pebble


If you have any questions, feel free to message me or any of the exec!


Canoe love,

Brother and the rest of exec


Akuma Merch!!

Posted 8mth 18d ago by Neil

Good morning all,

Now everyone’s got some sessions and socials under their belt, time to look the part! I am of course talking about Akuma merch!

For the freshers, no doubt you’ve seen returners and others around campus wearing the ‘Team Warwick’ gear representing their sport of choice. Well now you too can show off your membership to the best club in Warwick.

The order will be for the following items:

For that personal touch, The midlayer and jackets can be customized with your initials, full name and/or exec position (if you hold one), and the skinny/tracksuit bottoms with your initials only. You can have all, none, or a mix of these options. Whatever takes your fancy!


The ordering process is a little different this year, with purchasing going through the SU store. Sizing and customization options will appear once you reach the checkout.

If you are requesting customization, you will need to add the cost using the links above. For example, if you wanted to purchase a Softcore Jacket with initials and name, your checkout should look like this:

A size guide can be found here: Size guide - Akuma Sports. If you need a little extra peace of mind with sizes, the SU have examples available that you can try on.

Orders will close on the 22nd November so get your orders in. Once orders close, I’ll double check the details and send off the order. Delivery will likely be early next year (based on previous years).


More merch including hoodies and our signature red rash vests (the cool tops we wear at pool sessions) will be available later in the year, so keep an eye out for those.


Please Note: You must have a Canoe Polo Membership to order Akuma kit.

If you have any queries, feel free to get in touch with myself or any of the exec.


Canoe Polo Love,

Neil and the rest of the exec xx