
Canoe Polo & BJJ (Brazilian jiu jitsu) Skill Swap!!! 

Posted 8mth 18d ago by Yousuf Mohammed

Hey everyone! 


It is finally time for the first skill swap of the year! To kick things off we are heading into the combat room with the Judo and BJJ club to try out Brazilian jiu jitsu; an exciting martial art and combat sport! 


Don’t worry if you have never tried out BJJ or any combat sport, this will be for all abilities and a great way to try out something new! 


The BJJ session will take place Friday Week 8 (24th of November) from 4pm-6pm in the combat room by Cafe Nero. And I know what you’re thinking: no ball throwing!? … Unfortunately so, it’s the price we have to pay. 


But anywho, after an exhilarating session it will be time to unwind where we will have a social dinner/chill time with BJJ before they join us in the pool for our session shortly after at 8pm. Their session will be for the first hour, with a regular session for all polo members for the second hour, but I encourage as many of you to come from the start and help them out! 


Those who are interested in in the skill swap will need to sign up on the website before Friday Week 8:


Any questions feel free to ask myself or any of the exec! 


Polo Love,


Yousuf xx

Warwick TRI-Grid Challenge

Posted 8mth 24d ago by Yousuf Mohammed

Hey everyone! 

We are nearly half way through the first term and what better way to celebrate than to take part in the termly TRI-grid Challenge! 


What is the TRI-Grid challenge? 


It is a fun competition for any Warwick student/staff to participate in as teams or individually where you can get points for running, cycling or swimming! 

More specifically: 

Run 1000m = 1 point

  • Cycle 2500m = 1 point
  • Swim 200m = 1 point
  • Walk 1500m = 1 point
  • Log an activity in each of the four disciplines (running, walking, swimming and cycling) at some point during the challenge = 5 points

There are various different prizes for winners but the real aim of this competition is to encourage people to get out more and be more active! 


We have created a Warwick Canoe and Canoe Polo team which you can sign up through this link:


You DO NOT have to be an avid triathlete to partake, anyone is welcome and I encourage as many of you to join, even if it means you do one extra run than you normally would (it means the competition has done its job ;) )

The challenge starts on Monday 13th November and officially finishes at 11.59pm on Sunday 26th November 2023 so make sure to sign up before then! 


P.S You may need the team identifier and team pin to join, if so: 

team identifier: 828957

team pin: WUPJ


For more information about the competition you can see this link:


Hope to see many of you signed up, and of course if you have any questions feel free to ask :)) 

Canolo Love, 

Yousuf xxx

<><Dartmoor trip><>

Posted 8mth 27d ago by James Bevan

Hi everyone,

Hope your all doing well, if you haven’t seen already signups for our Dartmoor trip open tomorrow, (Monday 30/10/2) or today whenever you’re reading this, so if your interested sign up on our website below at 12:00 to secure a place.

The river dart is a great river and perfect for beginners or those who made it to freshers this weekend everyone’s welcome. If this is the first trip, you’re signing up for make sure you’ve already made an account on the website before 12 as places can go quick and this will save you lots of time!

Hope to see you all there!

Canoe love,

Brother and the rest of exec!

Canoe Polo Snactic Talk Pt 2

Posted 8mth 29d ago by Dan Collier
><> Canoe Polo Snactics Pt 2 <>< Next week will be the second half of the canoe polo snactics talk. This time we will be looking at tactics during the game. As always there will be free snacks for those that attend. It will be from 7 till 8 in OC1.07 on Tuesday 31st October. This is a great opportunity to help understand the game, especially if you are playing at the Nottingham tournament. Afterwards, we will be heading to the pool session to put some of these into practice. Polo love, Dan and all the exec

Canoe and Canoe Polo Mentoring Program!! 

Posted 9mth 8d ago by Yousuf Mohammed


Hey everyone,

Happy midweek mayhem!! Hope you are enjoying this week so far!

Both clubs are partaking in a brand new mentor-mentee program, where we will assign mentees (freshers and new members) to mentors (exec and returning members) to give you someone who can share their expertise and who you can get support from, whether it's kayaking related or just generally university related! This is a great way to learn more about the sport(s) and really get to know some of the other members in the club :)) .

We encourage as many of you  to sign up as a mentee; this is a great way to learn more about the sport(s) and really get to know some of the other members in the club :)) . 

To sign up, just fill in the form below, providing a bit of info about you and your preferences (optional), and in the following week you’ll have a mentor! This will allow us to match you up to the best person based on your interests within the clubs.

By signing up as a mentee, you are agreeing to allow us to share your contact information (the email you provide in the form) with your mentor for them to contact you

If you have any questions regarding the mentoring program feel free to ask myself or any of the exec! 

Canolo Love, 

Yousuf xx

><><FRESHER RIVER TRIP 27th - 29th!><><

Posted 9mth 11d ago by James Bevan

Sign ups open Tuesday 17th at 12:00 This terms first taste of canoeing is on the River Usk! This will be a nice introduction to white water, perfect for returners and freshers! We will be leaving Friday evening, and getting back Sunday evening.

To go, you must have canoe membership and you must have been to one pool session. However, we recommend coming to as many as you can, as we will practise many useful skills for the river.

To sign up to the trip, you will need to go to:, there, create an account before the signups go live. Then in the 'trips' section under the canoe tab, you will find the upcoming fresher trip.

The signups will drop soon, this Tuesday at 12:00. Sign up quickly as the places will go fast!

The kit you'll need for the trip is just dry clothes for two days, a towel, wet clothes and river shoes (shoes you don't mind going in the river)! With wet clothes, we recommend several layers; but we will provide wet suits as well the canoes, helmets, cags, etcetera.

We hope to see you there!!!

Week 3 Polo Snactics

Posted 9mth 13d ago by Dan Collier
><> Week 3 Polo Snactics Talk <><
On Tuesday 17th (Week 3) we will be hosting the first snactics session of the year! In this session, we will explain more about a game of canoe polo and what the rules are. This is a great opportunity to learn how the game is played. There will also be some free snacks at the session.
It will be hosted in S0.18 (Social Sciences) from 7 to 8 on Tuesday and then we will head straight over to the pool for the session.
If you have any questions feel free to message one of the exec.
As a reminder, you will need to have brought membership to attend the sessions from now on. Please see our Instagram for how to do this.
Polo love,
Dan and all the exec


Posted 9mth 15d ago by Molly Bevan
Hi everyone!!
I hope you are all having a lovely week. Whether you are a fresher or a returner, we have the perfect polo opportunity for you. Nottingham are hosting a tournament from the 4-5th November (end of week 5)! We are hoping to enter an open, ladies and fresher team. Even if you have never played polo before, this is a great opportunity to get involved in the sport at a beginner-friendly level, not far from campus. We will be hopefully staying in a scout hut overnight so NO CAMPING and will provide all necessary paddling equipment and transport too!!!
If you have any other questions or reservations about playing in a tournament then please do reach out to me or any member of the polo exec and we can talk you through how everything works!
Signups are open under the trips section of the website:
Let me know if you have any questions!! 🙂
Polo love,
Molly and all the exec x

Mixed Netball Skill Swap Session 

Posted 1y 1mth ago by Yousuf Mohammed

Hey guys,


After a very enjoyable polo session last week it’s time to swap over and try out some Mixed Netball!!


We will be going to the outside Mixed Netball courts at the Sports Hub on Wednesday Week 8  (14th) to join their training session from 12-2pm. This is a charity skill swap so a £2 donation is required to participate (more details later). If you are willing to join, sign up on the website here so we have an approximation of numbers:


Any questions feel free to contact either one of us, or any of the Exec! 


Polo Love,


Yousuf & Alex xx

Mixed Netball Skill Swap This Friday Session!! 

Posted 1y 1mth ago by Yousuf Mohammed

Hey everyone! I hope everyone has been surviving the exam season so far. There is no better way to ease your mind from exams than to join the Canoe Polo & Mixed Netball Skill Swap!! 


Mixed Netball will be joining us first at this week’s Friday’s pool session 8:30-10pm (2nd of June). Please be aware that this session will be treated as a ‘Taster Session’ meaning priority will be given to the Mixed Netball members and the regular returners session will not take place. I would still like to encourage as many of you to come and join the session to show the sport to everyone trying it out and help out during the session to make sure the Mixed Netball members really enjoy their time playing polo! 


After this, you all will get the chance to swap skills too by heading out to the netball courts and join MIxed Netball at their sport. The details for this are still being confirmed so stay tuned for more information over the next few weeks. 


Any questions feel free to contact me or any of The Exec :)) 


Polo Love,


Yousuf x