Welcome to the University of Warwick Canoe and Canoe Polo Clubs!
Our pool sessions are free to attend and aimed at people of all ability levels, from kayaking experts to complete beginners. Each session all you will need to bring is yourself, swimming kit and a t-shirt we will supply the rest.
The sessions are:
Monday 9:00-10:00pm
Wednesday 9:00-10:00pm
Thursday 3.00-4.00pm
Canoe Polo
Tuesday 8.00-10:00pm
Friday 9:45-11:00am
And after every evening session we go to one of the pubs on campus.
At your first pool session you are required to swim 2 lenghts and then do a capsize drill while supervised and guided by one of our experience members.
River Trips
Each term we do several white water trips to different places around the country. Currently we have 3 weekend trips planned for the first term with a 4th one being a possibility. If you're interested in signing up for any trips you will need to be a member of the club and have attended at least one pool session although more are advised.
 In addition to club run trips members will sometimes try to find other people to go to HPP  (an artificial whitewater course in Nottingham) and other popular paddling spots with them by posting on the website or asking around the people at pool sessions.
Throughout the year, the canoe polo club hosts a range of friendly tournaments against other universities for cater for all ability levels. We also play at externally hosted tournaments since playing against members of other teams lets you pick up new skills and generally makes everyone a better player.
The year builds up to the fantastic BUCS Canoe Polo Tournament, where university teams from across the country come together for a weekend of polo and drinking (and not necessarily in that order), and of course to find who can field the best team! We have had a lot of success here, with the A team coming in 2nd, the Ladies took 5th, the BÔÇÖs 3rd, and the old members 4th last year.
In addition to visits to the pub after sessions we also run a wide variety of socials throughout term time with some of the highlights being pub golf, Christmas meal and our big end of year party. Just in the first 5 weeks of this term we have multiple pub trips, a 3 legged bar crawl around Leamington, circling at Pop a kit trip to a local kayaking shop and a cocktails night.
Sign up for trips and tournaments will be through our website so if interested please make an account for this website. To make an account on the website, follow this link: link
Looking forward to seeing you at a session soon!
Canoe and Canoe Polo Exec
Is the fact that campus already looks like something out of a zombie apocalypse film getting you down?
Are you desperate for a distraction from the fact that you don't seem to have the 3 month long holiday this summer that you used to have?
Are you just around campus and fancy laughing at those of us still here?
Hope to see as many people as possible there.
Hello :D
Quick reminder that it is week 9 pop tomorrow.
Theme is through time so get those outfits sorted.
Meet at 5ish in tocil field for a bbq, then head to the piazza around 7ish for circling or crash someone's kitchen if it is raining (any offers?)
Fed up of revising, tired of exams? Well now you can look forward to Epic Party!!!
It will be on the 27th June (Thursday week 10) at Leamington RFC.
You will be able to indulge in ale, beer, wine, BBQs along with a bouncy castle and croquet.  Food and drink is included in ticket price.
Dress code is Black Tie.
We will not be able to sleep in the rugby club but the owner is okay with us pitching tents.
Early bird ticket: £30
Ticket on the night: £35
Start time: 7.30pm
Please pay Tom Jin in cash as soon as possible if you want an early bird ticket.
Please sign yourself up as coming here: http://www.warwickcanoe.co.uk/site/trips/trip/283/
If you have a plus one coming, sign them up here: http://www.warwickcanoe.co.uk/site/trips/trip/284/
Your social secs
Jebend and Gabs
Reminder: Pop week 9, theme through time, preparing your livers for epic partyÔÇô if weather is good BBQ in tocil field (bring your own) followed by circling in the piazza and then head to pop