This session will remain as a canoe session as we have enough numbers to run the session.
Any canoeists that thought it would be a polo session so aren't coming, come!
Sorry polo people.
Afternoon all,
Are any of you lovely bunch planning on going to the Tryweryn this weekend? If so I am leaving either Thursday night or Friday morning if anyone would like to share a lift with me. Let me know here or on facebook or phone.
Hey Guys,
I've been spending some time sorting out all the accounts so if you've been to a tournament in the last term or bought a hoodie/ rash vest then now is the unfortunate time to pay for it :/. There have been 3 NL's, 2 Cheltenham tournaments and Cardiff. So if your name is below then please can you bring the correct cash to the pool session (I have no change sorry) or preferably a cheque to WSU. Thanks :) Your name may be there more than once!!!
Einstein 46 Dan 10 Chloe 46 Bryce 46 Eugene 21.5 Abi 22 James 31.5 Madi 21.5 Jo 32 Katie 12 Harriet 10 Darling 21.5 Baby 34.5 Anja 32 Nathaniel 20 Ash 10 Gabs 10 Deller 14.5 Blackmore 14.5 Nicky 11.5 Red 10 James 22.52 Gabs 22.52 Bryce 22.52 Harriet 22.52 Darling 17 Screamer 17 Bryce 17 James x2 34 Nige 24.38