

Posted 6y 7mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Liam

Looking for some swimming lessons?

Want to learn how to fish freshers?

Fulfill your dreams of being Action Man?


End of week 6 next term (16-18 Feb) we will be running a trip for 6 to go on a Whitewater Safety and Rescue course on the river Dee. You will be staying in Llangollen scout hut and the cost will be roughly £75. You will need to be comfortable swimming in whitewater (drysuits are provided).

To get an idea of what the course is like check out this:


If you think this is for you, send me a message then sign up on the website at 12:00 next Tuesday.



Posted 6y 7mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Ivan

Sign ups are live for our Refreshers trip in 2018!

It will take place on 19-21 January in Dartmoor. Although the water will be cold, we will be staying in the nice and warm Newton Abbot Scout Hut which has a fully equipped kitchen.

This is the last weekend whitewater trip of the academic year that is aimed at beginners, so make sure you come along to get some more experience of whitewater paddling. If you want to attend our week long trip to Scotland (in the first week of Easter) then you will need to have attended at least one weekend trip with the Canoe Club. We highly recommend this trip if you didn’t get a chance to go on Freshers or Tyne Tour.

See you all tonight at the Christmas meal in the Clarendon!

Paddling Love

Matt and the Canoe Exec

Christmas Meal Final Update!

Posted 6y 7mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Lara
Roll up, roll up, here's everything you need to know!
The Christmas Meal will be at The Clarendon in Leamington Spa at 19:30. Formal wear is REQUIRED!
Tom will be running a bus shuttle from campus. The bus will be at 19:02, so make sure to get there a little earlier than 19:00.
Once we've eaten, Christmas Awards will be presented, and Secret Santas swapped before we proceed on down the Parade for a night of jolly merriment.
See you all soon!
Social Sec Love <3
Lara and Tom
PS. The signups were just to see if we needed extra seats, so any late minute joiners are totally welcome :)

Saturday kit fixing!

Posted 6y 7mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Seb

Roll up! Roll up!

Kit fixing will be taking place on the balcony this Saturday, too many boats are far too seive-ey at the minute and most people don't like sinking!

We'll be fixing from 2-6, breaking for dinner then rolling back in for the polo session at half 7. Feel free to come and go when you're available, any helping hands would be very appreciated!

Your friendly neighbourhood KitSec

Secret Santa!

Posted 6y 8mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Lara

Hey Paddlers,


Follow this link to sign up for this year's anonymous Secret Santa :D We'll be exchanging gifts at the Clarendon during the Christmas meal.

You have until Friday to sign up!

We'll see you at Pop! in your pairs this Wednesday at circle!

Social Sec Love <3

Lara and Tom

Week 8 social! SCHOOLDAYZ

Posted 6y 8mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Tom

Hey paddlers,

For this weeks social we will be going to schooldayz on Saturday.

We will be meeting outside the sport centre at 21:40 after the canoe polo session. We will be predrinking before heading into the copper rooms. Remember your shirt and tie!

If you need a ticket or have a spare comment below so we can match you up.

If you are a fresher and living on campus and have a kitchen or social space we would be able to use for predrinks then please let us know!

Hope to see you all there

Christmas Meal Signups are Live!

Posted 6y 8mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Lara
Ho ho ho happy paddlers!
├░┼©┼¢ÔÇ×├░┼©┼¢ÔǪ├░┼©┬Å┬╗Christmas Meal is fast approaching! ├░┼©┼¢ÔǪ├░┼©┬Å┬╗├░┼©┼¢ÔÇ×
(I know, I know, it's not yet December, but bookings wait for no-one)
It'll be on Week 10, the Thursday, (7/12) at 19:30 in the Clarendon :)
If you could sign up asap, I can be sure that there will be enough seats for everyone!
The menu contains veggie and vegan options, and can be found here:
Again, more details will be available closer to the time, but this part needs to get done early :)
Social Sec Love ├░┼©ÔÇÖ┼í
Lara and Tom

Term 1 Socials Update

Posted 6y 8mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Lara
Time for another Socials Update!
This week is the Polo Captains' Social! The Ladies and the Mens will host their own socials away from one another ;) I know it says polo in the title, but everyone is welcome to show up! I'm not sure what the men are doing but I'm sure Josh will let you all know soon. Ladies, we've probably already chatted about our plans (if not come talk to me) and we'll give you more details some time soon.
Next week is Skooldayz on the Saturday. Polo is still on! We'll be predrinking afterwards on campus, (kitchen TBC). Sadly I'm away that weekend, so it'll only be Tom there of the two of us.
Week 9 we are circling again! Tickets are still available, but if you miss out, there are some spares floating about :) The theme will be PAIRS! So find your partner and get creative!
And for our final social of the year, we will be having our Christmas meal at The Clarendon in Leamington on Thursday Week 10. I'll give you more details closer to the time, but hint - you'll need formal wear!
Social Sec Love ├░┼©ÔÇÖ┼í
Lara and Tom

Week 6 Social - Treasure Hunt and Fireworks!

Posted 6y 8mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Lara
Sup Paddlers!
Get your deerstalkers ready (though beanies will do) because this week's social is a Treasure Hunt and Fireworks!
Meet at 19:00 in the Duck for your first clue!
Once it's done we'll all be heading to Will's house in Canley (39 Chav, but search Puffer's Holiday in Google Maps or it'll send you to the wrong place) to set fire to some pretty explosives (and hopefully nothing else).
Fireworks will cost £10pp so signup on the website before Wednesday night, and get the money to either myself or Tom.
Social Sec Love ├░┼©ÔÇÖ┼í


Posted 6y 8mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Liam

Hey all!

Feeling fast? Saturday end of week 7 (Nov 18th) we will be sending a team of 12 to compete at BUCS Wild Water Racing on the river Washburn.
This trip will be a heavily subsidised £10 and is a great chance to get a day’s paddling and represent the club against other unis. We will also be leaving and returning on Saturday so you can keep your Sunday free.

If you like the sound of this, sign-ups will go live tomorrow (Tuesday) at midday Send a message to Liam if you have any problems getting signed up.
Be aware, because this is BUCS you will need to be a current student.

Hope to see you all at Leam Boat Centre (19:30) for kit and cocktails on Thursday!

-Liam and the rest of the canoe exec