
Generic Post Surf Tour Post

Posted 7y 1mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Ivan

Thanks everyone for another fantastic Surf Tour! Special thanks to all the drivers who made it possible

There was some lost property collected, including some strides and other assorted things

If anyone has accidently taken a medium surf t shirt then could you please give it to an exec member or Tom Jin

See you all at epic party, don't forget to buy your early bird tickets before Tuesday evening. £30pp or £35 after Tuesday

Sun burnt Ivan

Pop Today!

Posted 7y 1mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Lara


Meet at 7 on the grass between Bluebell 1 and 2, and bring food to BBQ, and drinks :)

Just to confirm, there's no theme, so wear what you like to the last Pop! of the year.

Happy Solstice


Posted 7y 1mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Ivan

I've now sent 3 emails about payment for surf t shirts, but they keep going to spam.
Please check your spam folders.

Sorry about this


Posted 7y 1mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Lara


Alcoholic -->
Non-Alcoholic -->

On the 29th of June come down to Leamington Rugby Club around 1730 for a fantastic way to end the year!

What you need to bring:

Clothes that make you feel fancy (yes this is a suit up event)

And that's it! Everything else is included in the ticket price! Food, snacks, a bouncy castle, and even an open bar!

Earlybird tickets are £30, which ends Tuesday the 27th. After that, tickets are £35. Non-alcoholic tickets are available for the low, low price of £20, contact us with any specific soft drinks you'd like. Payments must be in cash to a member of the exec (Preferably me or Ivan)

Bring your friends! All paying plus ones are welcome, university members or not, just talk to a member of the exec ├░┼©╦£┼á

Please let us know of any dietary requirements, like allergies, or vegetarianisms.

Hope to see you there!

Social Sec Love,


Saturday 17th Session Cancellation

Posted 7y 1mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Josh

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but our session this Saturday has been stolen by the horrible swimming club who have decided to do a charity event this week!

As such we have a session on Friday (tomorrow) from half 8 til 10! Sorry about all the confusion.



Posted 7y 1mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Hannah

Shirts this year will cost £10.50 and are an awesome way to remember the year, as well as surf trip of course. You can buy a shirt regardless of whether you plan to come on Surf Trip itself.

There are also a few spaces left on surf tour so it’s not too late to sign up if you still haven’t.

Please comment on this facebook post with the size if you want one – we will set up a payment link once we have all the orders.

You need to tell me your order by the end of TOMORROW (Wednesday 14th) so make sure you don’t miss out!

(The sizes are: S 34/36" M 38/40" L 42/44" XL 46/48" 2XL 50/52" 3XL 54/56" - all unisex)

Kit borrowing for personal paddling trips

Posted 7y 1mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Hadyn
We have had an issue recently with kit being stored on the balcony and blocking the fire escape doors. As a reminder guys kit should be returned to the garage at the earliest possible convenience.
If kit has to be stored on the balcony, for a short period of time, then please leave it behind the rope we use to section off the kayaks and never in front of the fire escape doors (Warwick Sport take this very seriously).
As the summer approaches more people borrow club kit for personal paddling trips. We don't charge a fee for borrowing kit on personal trips as we want to encourage everyone to kayak as much as possible, but in doing so you must fill in the kit borrowing form, in addition to asking a member of Canoe's Exec. This is so we have a written record of who took what kit were as kit has a habit of disappearing over the summer.
Please remember that while we don't charge for lost or broken kit on club trips we will do so for personal paddling trips our charges along with the full kit borrowing policy can be read on our website.

Nene & Surf Signups

Posted 7y 1mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Hadyn

Signups for both Nene and Surf Trip will go live at 5pm tonight on the website.



Will cost £12 for transport, fuel and course hire.

Meet at the Sport Centre at 9am on Tuesday 20th June to pack the van. The course is booked for 2 hours from 11am – 1pm. You will just need a day’s paddling kit and a packed lunch. We will return to campus around 3pm.


Surf Trip

Friday 23rd June to Sunday 25th/Monday 26th June. 

We will be offering multiple transport options leaving on both Friday morning and Friday evening and returning on the Sunday and the Monday. Please sign up for both an outbound and a return journey or we may leave you in Newgale.

The cost of camping has unfortunetly gone up to £6 pppn this year. The cost of transport will be dependent on what transport is needed and the distribution between morning and evening so we will confirm prices to you closer to the time.

We will be offering optional 2017 Surf Trip T-shirts again this year designed by our soon to be Old Gits. They will cost around £10.20 but again we will confirm prices once we know numbers.


This will also give us the first opportunity to test the website under heavy load since it was migrated to its new home so be ready at 5pm tonight.

If you have any problems speak to myself or another member of the Canoe Exec.



Posted 7y 2mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Ben Ayre
Rage rankings are in, teams have been made, rage will start next Tuesday (23rd)
This means if you want a fantasy team you need to get it to me before midnight Sunday (21st) this will cost £2 ( to be given to me before Rage starts ) with the money being split across the best three fantasy teams. The team can cost no more than £40 and include no more than 3 players from each team. Any questions on how this will work ask any exec or old people :p
Rank Name
9.89 Ben
9.64 Josh
9.20 Jamie
8.67 Rob (Jeff)
8.12 Charlie
7.67 Nathan
7.06 Ivan
6.86 Matt B
6.40 Luke
6.01 Emma
4.95 Tom M
4.93 Will
4.90 Mark
4.71 Seb
4.61 Harriet
4.61 Matt G
4.58 Elsa
3.88 Arun
3.54 Charlotte
3.43 Sev
2.76 Hannah
1.95 Alex
1.69 Lara
Team Boat Buddies
Rob (Jeff)
Team Canoeing Companions
Matt B
Matt G
Team Paddling Pals
Tom M

Key Dates for Term 3

Posted 7y 2mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Hadyn

I hope everyone’s exam prep and dissertations are going well, term 3 can be a stressful time so here is a reminder that all of our regular pool sessions are still running throughout term 3.


These are Monday 8:30-10:00pm, Wednesday 8:30-10:00pm and Thursday 3:30-4:30pm for Canoe with Tuesday 8:30-10:00pm and Saturday 6:30-8:30pm for Canoe Polo.


We have some exciting trips and socials coming up, to keep you motivated through your exams, for term 3 can be dark and full of terror.


Nene Trip - Tuesday 20th June (week 9)


The club will be going to the Nene Whitewater course for a day of kayaking. This is a good chance to practice catching eddies or moving water freestyle. Signups and more information including price will be released next week.  



Surf Trip - Friday 23rd June to Monday 26th June (Weekend week 9)


When all exams are done what’s better than sitting on a beach/campsite in the Welsh sun (it does exist) drinking alcohol, eating BBQ food and very occasionally contemplating the possibility of trying some sea/surf kayaking? We will be taking an extended weekend break to Newgale in Pembrokeshire for our annual surf trip. As usual surf trip t-shirts will be available designed by our graduating members.  



Skool Dayz – Saturday 17th June (week 8)


Instead of our usual handover social the whole club will be going to week 8 Skool Dayz. Get your ticket now here:



Pop! – Wednesday 21st June (week 9) NON-CIRCLING


Grab your week 9 Event Only Pop! ticket as we will be circling outside at the Bluebell BBQ’s. Bring alcohol, meat and fire and enjoy our open-air circle before heading into the copper rooms for Pop! Get your event only tickets here:



Epic Party – Thursday 29th June (week 10)


The greatest social event since Real Ale. Leamington rugby club, food, unlimited alcohol, bouncy castle - one single price. Need I say more.



Save the dates in your diary and more information about each event will be released closer to the time.


Good luck with exams,


The 2017/18 Canoe Exec