
Surf Trip

Posted 8y 4mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Freja
As I'm sure you're all aware (and doubtless are very disappointed by), this term we don't run any river trips. But despair not. Instead, we offer something even better! Yes that's right, at the end of week 9 (24th-26th June), the club goes to Wales for our annual Surf Trip.

Dependent on numbers, the trip will cost approximately £20 (plus £5 per night), and we plan to have 2 minibii. One will drive down Friday morning, and one don Friday evening, then one will return on Sunday, and the other on Monday. (If there are insufficient numbers then we will only take one bus instead)

Sign-ups are up ( please make sure you sign up for one bus there, and one returning (unless you want to be left in Wales)

Traditionally we also have Surf Trip t-shirts. These will most likely cost around £10, and more details will follow in the next couple of weeks.

Other dates for the diary
Tuesday 21st June- Nene Trip (more details to follow closer to the time)
Wednesday 22rd June- BBQ & Pop!
Thursday 30th June- Epic Party


Posted 8y 4mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Josh
RAGE FANTASY LEAGUE!!!! Please find below the costs for players in the rage fantasy league. If you are wishing to enter a team into the fantasy league, please email me your team before midnight on Monday 16th. A team must consist of 7 players and cost up to £40m. A team must not have more than 3 members of the same team. A team will cost £2 per person to enter and the money collected will be distributed among the top 3 teams. If i've missed anything or you have any questions please do not hesitate to point out/ ask. Chloughy £9.41m Baby £8.91m Jamie£8.24m Madi £7.91m Josh £7.17m Ben £6.88m Jeff £6.31m Sam D £6.17m Nathan £6.12m Emma £5.62m Matt £5.50m Luke £5.48m Mark £4.98m Jennie £4.66m Lauren £4.64m Sam H £4.52m Thom £4.43m Arun £4.05m Elsa £3.81m Freya £3.76m Tom Jin £3.76m Elise £2.86m Charlotte £2.69m Tristan £2.29m

RAGE Teams!!!!

Posted 8y 4mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Josh

For those of you who couldn't make the last session, here are the teams for rage 2016:

Team ÔÇÿBoaty McBoatfaceÔÇÖ
Andrew ÔÇÿCloughyÔÇÖ Clough
Sam ÔÇÿPeadoÔÇÖ Davis
Nathan ÔÇÿHarroldÔÇÖ Ling
Lauren ÔÇÿLove a good RaftÔÇÖ Gaines
Tom ÔÇÿThomÔÇÖ Milward
Charlotte ÔÇÿDie Social FuehrerinÔÇÖ Taylor
Team ÔÇÿBoatasaurus RexÔÇÖ

Matt ÔÇÿBabyÔÇÖ Clough
Rob ÔÇÿJeffÔÇÖ Howells
Emma ÔÇÿex presedenteÔÇÖ Beaney
Jennie ÔÇÿShoblinÔÇÖ Stanford
Sam ÔÇÿLittle SamÔÇÖ Hennem
Elise ÔÇÿPrimeÔÇÖ Martin

Team ÔÇÿBoatimus PrimeÔÇÖ
Jamie ÔÇÿNipple BleederÔÇÖ Anderson
Ben ÔÇÿHome wreckerÔÇÖ Ayre
Matt ÔÇÿGreggsÔÇÖ Barringer
Deema ÔÇÿSwampyÔÇÖ Mozayen
Arun ÔÇÿKumar Jandor
Tom ÔÇÿJinnersÔÇÖ Jub
Team ÔÇÿUsain Boat'

Madison ÔÇÿMadiÔÇÖ McClough
Josh ÔÇÿMummyÔÇÖs BoyÔÇÖ Charlwood
Luke ÔÇÿFat LukeÔÇÖ Kershaw
Mark ÔÇÿTime LordÔÇÖ Hadley
Elsa ÔÇÿLet it goÔÇÖ Joel
Freya ÔÇÿThe MistressÔÇÖ Bull
Tristan ÔÇÿMoanerÔÇÖ Byrne

Canoe CANCELLED Wednesday 11/05/2016

Posted 8y 4mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Freja
This Wednesday's pool session is cancelled. 

Instead it's Pop! with the theme of Mythological Creatures.

Polo 07/05/16 CANCELLED

Posted 8y 4mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Jefff
As all of our boats are being used in tournaments, polo this Saturday is cancelled.

Sessions will be on at normal time next week (Tue 20.00-22.00, Sat 19.00-20.30) but the first 2 games of Tuesdays will be dedicated to RAGE!


Posted 8y 4mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Josh
Hello All, The tributes have all now volunteered! The people have been counted and we are almost ready to fire the starting cannon on the prestigious rage league. Before these courageous individuals can begin their trials, we must first establish where in the herd they will sit. To decide this, everyone in the club should submit a ranking of each player with 1 being the worst and 10 being the highest. The rating should be based on how good they are as a player. This should be based on things like passing, catching, play making, tactics, shooting, saving, etc.. To make the scale a lot less concentrated, could people make sure that there is at least one 10 and one 1 in their rankings. Also donÔÇÖt vote for yourself. Please fill in the spread sheet on the email/ facebook and include it in a response to the email sent out or send it to by midnight on Friday 6th May . Thanks for Your Time, Josh


Posted 8y 4mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Josh

Hello All,

I am pleased to announce that this term will be seeing the return of the rage league! To celebrate its impending arrival we are looking for tributes to compete for their honour in the greatest arena known to man (the swimming pool). In order to compete in the RAGE league could people please sign up on the website (see link) before Friday the 29th April.

Thanks, Josh J

Liverpool International

Posted 8y 4mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Jefff

Calling all poloers! On the 4th-5th June (Week 6) Friends of Allonby are hosting the 27th Liverpool International Canoe Polo Tournament! We are hoping to enter a mighty Warwick team - all members are encouraged to enter (screw exams)!

The cost of the weekend will be split between everyone going, so the more the merrier! This will include entry fees (£75), transport (please let me know if you can drive), accommodation (a field) and a BCU membership if you don't have one already.

If you are interested please sign up before Sunday 1st May so we know if we have enough to enter:

Love Jeff (imperative)


Pretour Social

Posted 8y 6mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Jefff
Pre-tour Social!

Get hyped for our final social of term - pre-tour! We will be invading the Casa de ChLauristal (?) for excessive amounts of eating, drinking and chillaxing!

Date: Friday 18 March
Time: 19.00 - whenever we get kicked out of Kelsey's
Location: 38 Gordon Street

Bring your own booze and cash for pizza! 

Your soon to be ex social secs

Jeff and Alan

Holiday Polo

Posted 8y 6mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Emma
Holiday Polo has been booked 7-8pm every Tuesday throughout Easter! The sports centre has asked that we don't get any boats down until 7pm as Coventry Swimming club is using the pool till then. 
Hope to see loads of you there!