
Last week of tasters!

Posted 8y 4mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Jefff
I am sad to say that this is our last week of free taster sessions. If you want to try out canoe/canoe polo and haven't yet please do so this week!


Here is a reminder of our regular pool sessions. 2 of them are cancelled this week but they will be back to normal after that.
  • Monday 20.30-22.00, Canoe
  • Tuesday 20.30-22.00, Polo
  • Wednesday 20.30-22.00, Canoe - CANCELLED THIS WEEK DUE TO POP
  • Thursday 15.30-16.30, Canoe
  • Saturday 19.00-21.00 - CANCELLED THIS WEEK DUE TO TRIPS
Meet us in the Warwick Sports Centre swimming pool with swimming kit and a t-shirt you don't mind getting wet (and a towel!)


If you havenÔÇÖt done so already, you will need to buy membership in order to be able to attend sessions and trips.

Looking forward to a great year of all things canoeing!

Div4 Tournament Cheltenham

Posted 8y 4mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Josh

On the 22nd of October we will be taking two teams to the INDOOR tournament at Cheltenham. Due to the clash with canoeÔÇÖs Freshers trip we have a need for more players. If you are interested, please sign up of the website at the link:

To be eligible to play in this tournament you will need to be a member of the canoe polo club and a member of British Canoeing. The trip will cost £15 each, this will cover all entry fees and travel costs.

Freshers' Trip

Posted 8y 4mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Freja
Freshers' Trip 

Big welcome to all our new members, and a slightly smaller welcome to our returning members. The canoe club aim to run around 3 river trips per term, and our first trip of the year is fast approaching! Our freshers' trip is suitable for all of our new members, regardless of previous paddling experience, our only requirement is that you have attended at least one pool session, and are a member of the club.

Freshers' trip is a trip to South Wales for an introduction to white-water kayaking. It will be the weekend at the end of week 3 (21st-23rd Oct), leaving late afternoon on the Friday and returning Sunday evening. We're staying in a bunkhouse both nights, then venturing out to paddle rivers during the day. We'll provide all the paddling kit you need, asides from shoes for on the river (old trainers work well), but if you have any kit of your own, feel free to bring it. 
We recommend you bring a waterproof jacket, a sleeping bag and plenty of warm clothes, as well a towel (the bunkhouse has showers) and any overnight stuff you may need. If you need help getting hold of any of these things, let us know and we can provide them for you.

The price will be £38; this will include transport, accommodation, kit (if you need it) and a group meal on the Saturday night.

So you are interested in signing up?
  1. Be a member of the club through Warwick SU/Warwick Sport. You will need a silver Warwick sport membership, to pay the Sports Federation fee, then to go to this page and join the club.
  2. Attend at least one canoe session. Unfortunately attending a canoe polo session is insufficient.
  3. Make an account on our website (if you haven't done so already). I'd recommend not leaving this till the last minute, as some people find this confusing. Follow this link for instructions:
  4. Be on our trips page ( this Friday at 5pm. A trip called Freshers' Trip 2016 will appear, which you can click, fill in your details, and sign up. Sign ups will close Sunday at 6pm, then confirmation emails will be sent out with a payment link to those who got a place on Monday. We assign our places first-come first-serve, as unfortunately we're limited in the number of people we can take, and in the past this trip has been very popular, so I'd recommend signing up promptly.
Once we've sent out our confirmation email, you are committed to paying for the trip. If you are no longer able to come, please let us know ASAP so that we can try to find someone else to take your place. If you change your mind, but have not yet received a confirmation email, then just pop one of the exec a message and we will remove your sign-up.

Other Stuff
  • This Thursday is 3-legged bar crawl, we will be meeting in Leam at, or on campus at the main bus stop at
  • Next Wednesday (week 3) we will be circling at Pop! Week 3 circling tickets tend to sell out, so buy your tickets now.
  • Tyne Tour will be the weekend of week 5, more details to follow.
  • Week 6 we will be heading to Swansea for a weekend of drinking and kayak surfing.
  • Week 7 is BUCS Wildwater Racing, again, more details to follow.
  • Near the end of term- probably at the end of week 8, we will be organising a White Water Safety and Rescue (WWSR) course, this will probably cost in the region of £80-£100 pp, more details to follow, please let us know if you are interested.

Welcome Freshers!

Posted 8y 5mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Freja
Welcome to the University of Warwick Canoe and Canoe Polo Clubs!

Our pool sessions are free to attend and aimed at people of all ability levels, from kayaking experts to complete beginners. All you need to bring to each session is yourself, swimming kit, a t-shirt and we will supply the rest. At your first pool session you are required to swim 2 lengths and then do a capsize drill while supervised and guided by one of our experienced members.

The sessions are:

    • Monday 8:30-10:00pm
    • Wednesday 8:30-10:00pm
    • Thursday 3:30-4:30pm
Canoe Polo
    • Tuesday 8:30-10:00pm
    • Wednesday 8:00-9:00am - Ball throwing practice at Westwood Games Hall
    • Saturday 7:00-9:00pm

After every evening session we go to one of the pubs on campus, while after ball throwing we frequently go for breakfast (at Xananas, though we always welcome new suggestions).


Throughout the year, the canoe polo club hosts and attends a range of indoor and outdoor tournaments that cater to all ability levels. Playing against other clubs and universities is a great way to improve your skills and earn some medals!

The year builds up to the fantastic BUCS Canoe Polo Tournament, where university teams from across the country come together for a weekend of polo and drinking (and not necessarily in that order), and of course to find who can field the best team!


The canoe polo club holds trips to the River Leam most Wednesdays, where we practice drills for boat skills, ball skills, and fitness (followed by the pub of course). We will let you know when these trips are happening closer to the time.

Each term canoe do several white water trips to different places around the country. Currently we have 3 weekend trips planned for the first term with a 4th and 5th one being a possibility. If you're interested in signing up for any trips you will need to be a member of the club and have attended at least one pool session although more are advised.

In addition to club run trips members will sometimes try to find other people to go to HPP  (an artificial whitewater course in Nottingham) and other popular paddling spots with them by posting on the website or asking around the people at pool sessions. On top of all this, we also occasionally run day trips, whether to the mighty Nene White Water Centre, the fast flowing rapids of the Leam, or some other equally exotic location a short drive from campus.


As well as visits to the pub after sessions we also run a wide variety of socials throughout term time with some of the highlights being pub golf, Christmas meal and our big end of year party. Just in the first 5 weeks of this term we have multiple pub trips, a bar crawl around Leamington, circling at Pop, a kit trip to a local kayaking shop and a cocktails night.

Sign up for trips and tournaments will be through our website so if interested please make an account for this website. To make an account on the website, follow this link.

Looking forward to seeing you at a session soon!

Freja, Jefff and the Canoe and Canoe Polo Exec

Holiday Polo

Posted 8y 7mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Jefff
Holiday polo has been booked for every Tuesday 19.00-20.00!

Please let us know which sessions you can attend by filling in this doodley thing:


Posted 8y 8mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: The Unofficial Social Sec
To those who have finished exams and enjoying the sunshine congratulations and to those who still have exams to go ÔǪ It will soon be time for Epic party, the biggest and best social of the year! ThereÔÇÖll be a BBQ, booze, bouncy castle, alcohol, music, croquet and more booze. Where: Leamington Rugby Club (not actually in Leam) When: 7pm on Thursday 30th June (Week 10) Who: Yourself and if youÔÇÖre lucky enough to have friends outside the club plus 1ÔÇÖs are welcome. (If you get them a ticket) The dress code is formal so Suit Up! Ticket info Tickets will cost ┬ú35 this year But if you sign up and pay by the end of Monday 27th June (conveniently the last day of Surf Trip) then we are offering early bird tickets at a reduced price of only ┬ú30! For drivers, workers or teetotallers we have a non-alcoholic ticket at ┬ú20 Sign up here: If your bringing a plus 1 from outside the club then sign up here as well so we can keep track of numbers : If you have any specially dietary requirements or general complaints let the exec know by emailing Epic Love The Unofficial Social Sec

Hinckley Friendly Tournament

Posted 8y 8mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Jefff
Hinckley Friendly Tournament

We have been invited to a friendly tournament hosted by Hinckley Hammerheads. This will be a great way for beginners and Div 4 players to celebrate the end of term!

When: Sunday 3rd July, 11.00-17.30
Where: Beautiful lake in the midlands (30 mins away), friendly locals e.g. Jevon
Cost: £10
Signup:, please sign up by this Sunday (12th)

Leam accommodation can be provided for homeless freshers.

If you want to go to Joy Davis (Hull) or London tournaments please sign up ASAP as we need to decide whether we can go or not.

N.B. This clashes with Joy Davis but signups have been poor for that so it seems unlikely we will be able to enter.

Love Jeff

Nene Trip

Posted 8y 8mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Freja
On Tuesday 21st June, the club will be going to Nene Whitewater Centre for the day. At only £10 its a bargain, and signups will be open this Thursday at 4pm.

London International

Posted 8y 8mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Jefff
London International

As well as the Hull International (see below!), we are planning on entering a team into the London International! 

When: 29-31 July
Where: Danson Park
Cost: Entry fee (£100) + transport + camping (free!). Split between everyone going. (PS. you also need BC(U) membership).

This will be a great way to deter polo withdrawal over the holidays. Please sign up here if interested:

Please sign up by Wednesday 15th June. Space will be dependent on drivers so please let me know if you can donate your vehicle to the great polo cause!

Love Jeff (Imperative)

Joy Davis Hull International Tournament

Posted 8y 8mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Arun
Calling all poloers! On the 1st-3rd July (Week 10) Kingston Kayak club are hosting the 26th Joy Davis Hull International Canoe Polo Tournament! We're planning on entering a Warwick team, this will be a great way to celebrate the end of exams/the academic year! The cost of the weekend will be split between everyone going, includes entry fees (£80), transport, a 2+1/2 hour drive (please let me know if you can drive), £10 per tent per night and a BCU membership if you don't have one already. If you are interested please sign up before 10th June so we know if we have enough to enter: Polo love, Arun P.S For freshers/homeless people who have to move out, Jeff (and potentially other lovely leam) have kindly offered to house you as need be.