Sup Paddlers!
Unfortunately, there’s not going to be a social in Week 4. Instead, we’ll be hitting Skooldayz on Saturday Week 8, (17th June) so get your tickets now!
Don’t worry, we’ll remind you about it closer to the time :)
Social Sec Love,
Lara and Tom
Hiya Everybody!
To celebrate the new website, I've made some signups to celebrate. We will be sending an A-Team to the London international and the De Paddel tournament in Belgium.
We’ve come to the decision we would like to invite about 8 more people from the rest of the club to come along and form a B-Team to accompany us. There is also a chance to form a mixed team for the welsh international. If you would like to join us, please sign up at the links below:
London International (29th/30th July) link
Welsh International (5th/6th August) link
De Paddle International (19th/20th August) link
Update your bookmarks! break_out_of_your_iframes(); DROP TABLE your_table; <?php && exit(); ?>
Following a short period of downtime caused by a botched database upgrade at our previous shared hosting the club's website has been moved to a virtual server and given a new shorter domain name. is now, previous links will redirect shortly. will be back up shortly.
In 10 years many execs have joined and left, boats have been purchased and broken, paddlers left behind, PHP functions depreciated and open source relational databases aquired by Oracle Coporation but the website hasn't received much more attention than a seasonal theme and a disclaimer tick box until now.
Many thanks goes to Webbo the ex11-webmonkey, who wrote this website in glorious web programming language of PHP and for hosting it for so long. With PHP7 compatability I can probably avoid rewriting the website in Rails for another few years.
Tom Jin, Ex2-webmonkey.