

Posted 16y 6mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: White Ninja
meeting at Roccoco for 7.15 to fight for a space SO BE THERE ON TIME!
Come dressed as your favourite disney character
here are a few examples
The legend that is Rufio:
Or  a favourite of Nicky
there will be some non drunkeness socials comin up soon and all are wlecome on wednesday!
Tom and ROb/Tom

Scotland Tour 0708 DVD

Posted 16y 6mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Greg

Hi all,

Just to let you all know that we'll be showing the DVD from the latest scotland tour in the SPORTS CENTRE at 8pm tonight (before canoe).  Be there!


Polo rashvests

Posted 16y 6mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Latvia
We'll at some point be ordering personalised polo rashvests, and need to come up with a design! They should be really really cool. The company can really do a lot. They made Bath rashvests, whoever remembers.. (they had the yellow "paddle hard... play harder..." logo on bright blue)
We want to come up with a Warwick polo logo to be put on the back, then something to be written on the front and on the upper arm. Suggestions?
Coulourwise I'd go with black and white, just so we don't end up like a complete rainbow colour selection seeing that probably not everyone will want to get them (yet I'd strongly suggest that everyone likely to venture the busas do). Also sticking to two colours is cheeper, so I've heared.
That's the for the company for whoever is curious.

Trips this Term

Posted 16y 6mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Fingers
Welcome back everyone,

In store for you this term is:
  • Week 3 - BUSA Slalom. Tell me asap if you have a sudden urge to sign up for this.
  • Week 6 - Refreshers Trip. To an as yet undisclosed location, suitable for beginners.
  • Week 7 - A hard river/surf trip depending on levels.
  • Week 9 - Potential trip to the National Student Rodeo (or a river trip, depending on levels/demand).
Sorry if this sounds a bit vague, but the nature of a trip will depend heavily on how much it rains before it, so we cannot plan them so far in advance.

There is also the Nene trip rearrangement to look forward to, and our mighty Easter Scotland Tour, which is open to anyone, lasts a week, and will be immense in every way. To enjoy the experience to its fullest, you should have been on a river, so try and come to some trips before then. Also, it is highly reccomended that if you are going on the Scotland Tour, you should consider buying a dry cag - talk to someone who has one if you are unsure.

Don't forget also the hectic social calender including: Ice Skating, Score and Elections.

I hope to see you all soon.


PS If you have ordered a jacket, but not picked it up yet, it is waiting in the Warwick Sport Office, at the top of the Sports Centre.


Posted 16y 6mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Madi

Ok, as promised hoodie is here again, whooo! And here is your chance to have your say what goes on it. Any budding artists this is your time to shine and come up with a design; the prize, your masterpiece gets to go on the must have hoodie of the year! We are looking for something different, fun and which conveys all the bits of canoeing. So please if you have any ideas post here, or if you have a design, email me at, post it here, or give it to me at one of our canoe sessions. Everyone please feel free to get involved, heres a link to some of last years thoughts to give you some ideas

Good luck and get creative!

Madi x

p.s the more glitter the better!


Posted 16y 6mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: TomRob

The time is nigh! I hpe everyone is preparing their stomachs, sweet talking their housemates into not being too mean, and putting on clothes that won't show up vom to much... Only messing, but tonight is the LEGENDARY PUB GOLF!

Just a little reminder to you all, were meeting at 6.45 in the GRAD. ALl you need to bring is your lovely selves, your amazing hat, and a pen, for you to keep score! If your not playing, you can forget the pen, but the hat is still a must!

See you all tonight!

The Social Sex

The most important dates of the term

Posted 16y 6mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: White Ninja
Right guys I hope everybody had a good christmas and new years, (dont ask Greg's knee) just thought Id give you dates and info on this terms socials so that all can prepare:

1) THE LEGENDARY PUB GOLF: Will you gain the title of Warwick canoe pub golf champion, lets see if the baron can put his money where his mouth is! ITs simple, a glorified pub crawl in which you can win holes (pubs) by drinking a variety of drinks. You dont have to compete and be an alcholic, all are welcome. The theme for this years pub golf will be hats, this could range from firemens hats to anything but the more random the better and home made ones are allways the best.
WHEN: next thursday 17 Jan
WHERE: Get to the grad for 7.30, we will end up in earlsdon, the home of pub golf
WHY: The funniest social of the year
some ideas:

2) week three SCORE, chaired by the mighty Nicola Woodcock, this week is Disney themed further details to come

3) week four ICE SKATING, the most dangerous social of term!

4) week six: A random social to be decied later

5) Week 8 or 9 elections more info to come later

Cheers all and hope to see you next thursday
Tom and Rob/Tom

Nene trip

Posted 16y 6mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Einstein

Hey guys

hope you're all refreshed after holidays, we're runnin our first club trip of the term on Wednesday 17th January, this will be a trip to the Nene whitewater centre in Nottingham, primarily for coaching those of you who haven't paddled that many rivers before and to get you back up to scratch after a month away, we'll meet at the sports centre at about 11:30 to get everything ready with the aim to be at the Nene by 1:30, we should be back by 5:30. Sign up is up now, so if you want to learn or pass on your expertise please sign up.

Rich (Einstein)

Minibus Assessments

Posted 16y 6mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Fingers


minibus.jpgMinibus assessments are coming up, see this website for details: 
The lecture is THIS THURSDAY (week 1)- please sign up in the Union reception if you want to take it.[/quote]
The lecture is really fun, and you get to drive top-of-the-range minibusses - what are you waiting for?


Posted 16y 7mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: White Ninja
Cheers everybody for a cracking term and have a happy christmas and New Years!
gems for next term:
Pub golf
Ice Skating
More Score
and some random bits and bobs
plus pleanty more trips

The Mighty yet humble exec