This year's Canoe and Canoe Polo elections will take place Week 2 of Term 3, Thursday 4th May. If you would like to run for a position, please email the current president for the club you wish to run for (if it’s a joint position, please email both);
Canoe elections run a little differently to other clubs, for each role we ask that you prepare a short speech (60s max) or sentence saying why you’re running for the role along with a canoe related parody song (or poem) and/or joke of your choice to perform on the night. (If you’re running for President you must also submit a short manifesto in advance)
The exec positions are:
Vice President
Tour Secretary
Kit Secretary
Tournament Secretary
Kit Secretary
Social Secretary x2
Media Officer
Charities, Development, and Outreach (CDO) Officer
If you have any questions about any of the roles/what they involve or just elections themselves feel free to get in contact with any of the current exec.
Canolo Love,
Sam, Adi and both execs xx
TL;DR: 10th-12th March, Open to everyone to sign up, cost approx £55
Hey everyone! Happy Monday!
An exciting polo announcement: Cardiff University are back with their annual tournament on the 10th- 12th March (end of week 9).
This tournament is open to ALL abilities as we will be taking 3 teams with us, allowing all members to get as much playing experience as possible before BUCS (the big university championship).
The cost of the trip will be approximately £55 which, despite being slightly more expensive than other trips, includes accommodation (and beds) at Parkwood Outdoors Chalet which is a short drive from the polo pitches.
If you want to come along, please sign up here:
Any questions, please feel free to message me or any of the exec.
Polo love,
Adi x
Hellooo Everyone,
It's time now for a night in contention for best social of the year, thats right..... PUB GOLF
We will have 9 holes in which to demonstrate your pub golf abilities:
1. Dirty Duck
2. Tee bar (get it?)
3. Rootes Grocery
4. Leamington Drinks
5. The Clarendon
6. Murphys
7. Spoons
8. The Old Lib
9. Kelseys
At each hole you will face a beverage and par number, with your number of strokes being how many attempts needed to finish your drink
You can be as under or over par as you like, its just a bit of fun
We'll be kicking of the tour at The Dirty Duck at 7:30 Thursday 19th and proceed to make our way to Kelseys over the course of the evening
If you'd like to come along, please click going here:
Social Love, John & Emma xxx