
><> ><> Final polo BUCS signups <>< <><

Posted 2y 3mth ago by James Hickmott
Ciao all,
An exciting final update for BUCS signups! We will now be staying in a modern scout hut, and so there will be no need to camp!! We expect the trip will be less than £20, and we plan to head up on Friday evening (6th May), to return on Sunday evening (8th May). We would also appreciate if people could sign up as soon as possible.
If you have any questions, please message me or anyone else on exec.
Further information about the tournament:
Link to signups:
Polo love,
From James, and all the exec


Posted 2y 3mth ago by Adriana Cormack

Hey everyone!!


Just to let you know that POP! Tickets go on sale TOMORROW @12pm!


This term, we will be going to Pop in week 8! However, for this, you only need an EVENT ONLY ticket as we will be having a BBQ on campus and circling outside before making our way to dance the night away at Pop!


It will also be the first circle ran by our new social secs (TBD) so you don’t want to miss it!


The link for tickets is here:


Hoping to see you there,


Social love,

Adi and Beth 

<><Term 2 Review <><

Posted 2y 4mth ago by Sam Pfeffer-Matthews


We hope you guys have had a great time this term!

Once again, we would absolutely love to hear from everyone about how you found this term in the canoe and canoe polo clubs so, if you have a spare moment please fill in one or both of the following forms:





all responses are totally anonymous and we would really appreciate the feedback, the form takes no more than 30s to fill out 😃!


Canolo love,

Sam and all the execs xx


Posted 2y 4mth ago by Adriana Cormack

Week 10: Treasure Hunt Social


Hey everyone! 


Hope you are having a great weekend 🛶 


The final social of the year will be a TREASURE HUNT around campus.


We will be starting at 7:30 (more details will be revealed soon) where we will organise you all into teams and begin the tasks (they will be a complication of riddles, task master-type activities and puzzles to get your brain thinking)


Sign ups are on the website here:


It’s our final social of the term so would love if you joined us!


Social love,


Adi and Beth xx


Posted 2y 4mth ago by Sarah Rogers



This year's Canoe and Canoe Polo elections will take place Week 2 of Term 3, Thursday 5th May. If you would like to run for a position, please email the current president for the club you wish to run for (if it’s a joint position, please email both);



Canoe elections run a little differently to other clubs, for each role we ask that you prepare a short canoe related parody song (or poem) and a joke of your choice to perform on the night. (If you’re running for President you must also submit a short manifesto in advance)

The exec positions are:



Vice President




Tour Secretary

Kit Secretary






Tournament Secretary

Kit Secretary


Social Secretary x2

Media Officer

Charities, Development, and Outreach (CDO) Officer

If you have any questions about any of the roles/what they involve or just elections themselves feel free to get in contact with any of the current exec.

Canolo Love,

Sarahhh, James and both execs

**Cardiff Whitewater** - Week 9

Posted 2y 4mth ago by Sarah Rogers

**Cardiff Whitewater**

If you’re looking for some last minute whitewater practice before Scotland or just want a distraction from deadlines join us on our day trip to Cardiff Whitewater Centre Sunday of week 9, 13th of March. Sign ups will go up this Thursday at 12pm. 

The requirement for this trip is that you have been on at least one of our other whitewater trips. There are two sessions run throughout the day, morning and afternoon. It is £10 to book onto a session. (Fuel cost will be calculated after the trip)

Canoe Love,


Week 9- Circling and Pop!

Posted 2y 4mth ago by Adriana Cormack

Week 9 Pop!!


Hey everyone!


On Wednesday the 9th of March it is mine and @Beths last circle 😢. But to commemorate the brilliant year we have had running socials, we have one last circle before week 9 Pop! And would love as many of you to join us as possible.


The theme was released last week but if you need a reminder then look no further than the man of the (Wednesday evening 10pm—2am) hour himself; Disco Dave. This is an opportunity to try out a mullet and dance the night away with everyone in the club one last time before the end of term!


Click going on the event here:


Hoping to see you all there!


Social love,


Adi and Beth x

Week 8 Social- Skool Dayz

Posted 2y 5mth ago by Adriana Cormack

🎒🚸 Skool Dayz ~ Week 8🚌📚


Next week we're going to dance Saturday night away listening to classic pop and indie songs from our childhood 🤩

Join us as we all put on our school shirts and ties on Saturday the 5th of March

If you are coming along then click going on the event here:

Grab yourself a ticket from the SU website if you haven't done so already (we have some spares so message @Adi or @Beth if you need one)

More details for prees etc will be announced on the event page

Social love,
Adi and Beth xx

Covid-19 Club Update

Posted 2y 5mth ago by Adriana Cormack

Hey everyone!

Despite recent government guidance, we as a club are still asking for all members to test before pool sessions/socials in order to keep everyone safe (this is alongside the university guidance). As there is a difference in rules in Wales/Scotland it is vital that we do this to keep any trips running and club members safe.

If you do test positive, we ask that you do not attend any club events in order to minimise the spread.


Canoe and Polo love,

Adi and the rest of both execs x

<><Great Working Opportunity Available><>

Posted 2y 5mth ago by Sam Pfeffer-Matthews
If you're looking for some great work experience and some decent pay over the summer break (*and currently have FSRT*), Leam Boat Centre Ltd are offering an opportunity to do some freelance coaching for them.
One would require Paddlesport Instructor (PI) qualifications, but if you do not currently have that, LBC would offer us the 2-day course at a greatly discounted price.
Once onboard, there are tonnes of chances to teach both adults and kids either at weekends or in the evenings and so in a very short space of time, coaches will have already covered the cost of the PI course and be earning. During the summer there are lessons/courses to teach almost everyday if people want to start earning money in their spare time.
There are currently 6 spaces for a PI course on May 14th/15th which I myself hope to be attending. Let me know if you are interested in joining either on the course or with the work opportunity if you already have PI!
(You can also go straight to LBC if you have any questions by emailing
Canoe Love
Sam xx