Hello again!
Are you over 20+1 and have had a clean drivers licence for at least 2 years? Then you could drive the minibus!!
There's more information and a link to the application form here: http://warwicksport.warwick.ac.uk/officer/transport/minibusassessments/ 
There's a lecture this Thursday at 4:30 in SO.21, you have to attend a lecture before you can take the test. Even if you're not 21 yet you can go to the lecture and take the test when you've turned 21 (as long as its within 12 months of the lecture)
Being a minibus driver will mean you get priority on club trips, if it wasn't for the drivers then the trips couldnt go ahead!
Also if you're 20 and have a clean drivers licence then you could drive the van, ask one of the members of the exec about it as driving the van is great practice for taking on the minibus!
Katie xx
Hello everyone!
Hope you all had a nice christmas and didn't miss the canoe club too much. If you did then we're here to help, we're running our REFRESHERS trip the weekend of week 2 (Friday 17th Jan - Sunday 19th Jan) and will cost between £35 and £40.
This trip is suitable for everyone, if you came on every trip last term and want to improve or if you didn't get a chance to make any trips in term 1 and want to get involved then come and get involved!
Its taking place in Darmoor where we will be staying in a Scout Hut for the weekend and paddling the River Dart. If you're wanting to come on Scotland Tour you will need to have come on a trip with us, and this is one of the last (and best) opportunities before Easter!
Sign up will go live at 4pm on Wednesday week 1 (8th) and will close on Sunday (12th) and you can expect your confirmation email on Monday week 2. Its first come first serve as always so make sure you sign up quickly!
Lots of small welsh love
Katie xx
P.S a quick reminder for  our social this week, Curry in Leam Thursday night probably followed by the pub and Kelseys
It's getting to that time of year when you really can't be arsed with work... So, deal with all this stress, we will be having our first RAGE! Tournament of the year!
Freshers, this is an internal tournament we run on a Tuesday night once a term. ItÔÇÖs a great way to try out your first polo tournament and it's great fun! The teams will be mixed ability, so don't worry about being demolished by the A team.
What: RAGE! Tournament
When: 26th November 2013, 20:00 - 22:00
What do I have to do to play? Go to the website, click Trips on the left hand side and sign up under "RAGE! Tournament Winter 2013". If you have any problems, email me! If people just turn up, YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO PLAY.
Sign up by Saturday 23rd November to get on a team. 
Any questions, let me know! 
Nicole/ Timmy x
It's time for a trip to...