Posted by: Bilbo
Good afternoon everyone!
Just a reminder about Elections this Thursday at 7pm at the Robbins Well in Leamingon.
Lots of people have expressed an interest in running so I hope you've all prepared your song and you're jokes!
Also, the people running for President we're asked to submit a manifesto so here they are! This gives you a chance to think about who you want to be head of the club and what you think they can bring to the position!
Jevon 'Jebend' Adams:
If I become president I feel there are a few main areas of the club that IÔÇÖd like to improve. These are to focus on the development of intermediate members of the club, organizing more courses suited to them, with a few trips to white water centers being a possibility, as well as developing beginners as we have been doing this year. IÔÇÖd also like to keep the club more in the loop and sooner about what is happening with trips and courses. Having being on the exec this year I feel I have a good knowledge on how most things work and how I can make the improvements outlined above. IÔÇÖd like to be president so that I can give back to club as I have thoroughly enjoyed being a member these past two years. I look forward to being part of the club next year and hope youÔÇÖll choose me to be your president!
Gabriel Kempski:
When I first came to Warwick I was excited to find there was an active canoe club so that I could continue the sport I've loved doing since I was 10! I'm really keen to help as many people as I can to get involved and to enjoy kayaking as much as I do, and above all, that's why I would like to be president. As coaching sec last year, I implemented the structured coaching for Monday's pool sessions and I received feedback from numerous people that they found them helpful and made them keen to participate more. I'd like to ensure that opportunities to progress through the sport remain available next year through both internal coaching and external courses. As president I would work closely with the new exec to continue improvements in this area as well as continuing to give support for more advanced paddlers and trainee river leaders. I really feel that Warwick Canoe has so much potential to be an even better club than it already is. With my enthusiasm, organisation and integrity I know that I can help to further develop the club, starting with a big recruitment drive, great socials and engaging pool sessions at the beginning of term 1.
Canoe Polo
Anja Humpert:
Warwick Uni Canoe Polo is an excellent club and I would like to keep it that way. I have greatly enjoyed the last two years of being a member. My main goal is to recruit as many new members as possible (especially women). Hopefully we get enough to even get a second evening pool session, so that we could have more structured training and coaching as well as plenty of time for games. I am also keen to keep all the good tournaments in and out of Warwick going. I am looking forward to another year of polo!
Matthew 'Bryce' Byrne:
no manifesto submitted
So see you all on Thursday for an alchohol fueled evening!
Kedwards xx
Posted by: Bilbo
Hello guys and gals We've been asked by Water Polo if they can have our pool session on Wednesday week 2 as they have a BUCS final against Sheffield. As we're lovely we've said thats fine and have swapped it for their pool session on Friday 8:30-9:30 so NO POOL SESSION WEDNESDAY WEEK 2, IS ON FRIDAY 8:30-9:30 INSTEAD. Galw'r heddlu Bilbo xx
Posted by: Bilbo
Hello everyone, hope your Easter has been chocolate filled
Term 3 is generally a bit quieter for socials and trips because everyone has exams, so here's a quick run down of what to expect this term:
- Our Wednesday sessions have changed to the slighly more socialbe time of 8:30 - 9:30, although the Wednesday Session week 1 has been given to Polo  in preparation for BUCS
- The Thursday pool session has also changed for week 1 only to 3:30 - 4:30
- Thursday week 2 is ELECTIONS!! Wooo! We'll be sending out another email with more details about that, so in the mean time get practicing your songs and jokes!
- Doggy Paddle on the 18th May, again we'll send out another email closer to the time
- Surf Trip will be the weekend of week 9
- And Epic Party week 10!
See you all soon!
Biblo xx
Posted by: Nicole
Hi all, hope you've been having a great Easter break! This coming Wednesday, for one week, canoe have kindly given us their session so that we can have extra practise time before BUCS. The session time is 8:30-9:30. Please be there ready 5 minutes early so that we can set up goals etc and make the most of the time we do have. When you get to the pool, please help with getting the ladders, goals and ropes out, getting boats down from the balcony or getting balls out BEFORE you sort out personal kit. It's not fair on those setting up for the session if they miss out on their choice of kit because they were setting up for everyone else. If you are unsure how to assist, then please actively go and ask someone who does know, and learn how to tie the ropes and ladders etc and don't just stand around on the side. This week's Tuesday and Wednesday session are only open to people playing on BUCS teams so we can get all the practise time possible. See you all soon!! Timmy x
Posted by: Meriel
Hello all!
An email was send round, but here it is again for those who missed it. The hoodies webpage is finally up, so you can go order yourself a warwick canoe hoodie. Due to the popularity of the two designs, we decided to include both - you can choose whichever one you want! As ever, other choices include colour, name etc so you can really pimp it up as much as you want. 
The website link is:   
Once on the page, go to Warwick University societies, where Warwick canoe is listed. The hoodies will be dispatched soon after April 18th, so they should arrive near the beginning of term. 
Have a great holiday folks!
Posted by: Nicole
Post BUCS we will start with our summer RAGE league. We sort 4 teams based on how you rate each other as players so that the teams are as even as possible and people of all abilities can play, then each team plays one game a week as part of the league, with the other games in the session being just for fun. 
We will also be doing a fantasy polo league where you get a certain amount of money with which to buy players (values as determined by the ratings you give each other for RAGE league) who get points for goals, saves, assists etc. If you want to play in the league please sign up on the trips section of the website. It doesn't matter if you can't make some of the weeks as there will probably be 6 weeks worth of matches, but don't sign up if you're going to be away all term as there will still be games every week for people not playing in the league. The cost of entering the fantasy league is £2 with the winner receiving 60%, 2nd place 30% and 3rd place 10%. 
Please sign up by 19th April so that we have time to arrange teams and send out details for setting up fantasy league teams. We will start with RAGE league in Week 3 of next term. 
Timmy x
Posted by: Bilbo
Good Morning! Next term we run our annual elections night (dates arenÔÇÖt set yet but it will be around the first few weeks of term 3 so keep an eye out at the beginning of term 3 for an email with more details about the night). So if you were thinking about running for a position on the exec I highly recommend it! ItÔÇÖs a great way to have your say in how the club is run and looks great on your CV. There are lots of positions available so you can pick the one that sounds best to you. The club needs an exec full of team players, people who are committed to the club and their exec position and who are generally not an arse! The positions are: Canoe President ÔÇô general organization and running of the club Vice President ÔÇô general organization and running of the club Treasurer ÔÇô looking after the clubs accounts and budgets Secretary ÔÇô take minutes at meetings and sort out club clothing Kit Secretary ÔÇô ensure all kit is in decent condition and order new kit as needed Coaching Secretary ÔÇô organize pool sessions and courses throughout the year Tour Secretary ÔÇô make sure Scotland Tour is amazeballs Polo President ÔÇô general organization and running of the club Treasurer ÔÇô looking after the clubs accounts and budgets Secretary ÔÇô take minutes at meetings and sort out club clothing Kit Secretary ÔÇô ensure all kit is in decent condition, fix boats and order new kit as needed Coach ÔÇô run drills and organize games at pool sessions, plan tactics talks Tournament sec ÔÇô organize Warwick Tournaments and external tournaments throughout the year Joint positions Social sec (x2) ÔÇô being fun Webmonkey ÔÇô keeping the website up to date and ringing Tom Jin/Greg/Webbo when it all goes wrong ThereÔÇÖs more information on each position here: If youÔÇÖre thinking of running for president then youÔÇÖll need to submit a short manifesto of why you think youÔÇÖd be best suited for it (only a paragraph, 200 word limit). Also thereÔÇÖs a slight change this year, at the beginning of the evening weÔÇÖll hold a vote on whether or not to change the position of ÔÇÿwebmonkeyÔÇÖ to ÔÇÿmediamonkeyÔÇÖ. Mediamonkey will be the same as webmonkey, with the added responsibility of keeping the media side of things up to date, e.g making sure someoneÔÇÖs taking photos on trips/socials and uploading them to the website. If you have any questions about the positions then reply or ask the current exec (you can see who is who on the exec page of the website or on the facebook page). Also if youÔÇÖre planning to run for anything pleeeeease reply to this email and let me (or any exec member) know so we can make sure each position is filled. Iechyd da Bilbo x
Posted by: Stabby
Hi guys :)
If any of you have been wondering how you can get one of the polo hoodies all you have to do is log on to this shop here:
You can choose sizes and colours and what name you want embroidered on it as well as pullover or zippy :)
You need to have placed your order on the website by Monday 24th March (two weeks time)!! Then the hoodies will arrive for the start of term :D
If anyone has any issues then let me know!
Posted by: Jevon
What? Pre tour sociableness pub grub followed by drinks When? 8pm on Saturday 15th Where? Benjamin Satchwells and where the night takes us.
Posted by: Matt
Hello Poloers some of you might be getting a bit worried that the end of term is approaching and that you won't be able to play any polo whilst the holidays are on...
Never fear, this post is to tell you that we have two sessions a week planned for the easter holidays, namely these will be:
Tuesdays 20:00 until 21:30
Thursdays 20:00 until 21:30
Hope to see as many people as possible at these sessions getting some solid training in for BUCS which is now only 7 weeks away...