Hi everyone
Hope you're all ok after an epic night at score.
The National Student Rodeo is nearly upon us. This is the biggest playboating event in the world!! and this year should be even bigger. Its a brilliant weekend of drinking... who knows, you may even be fortunate to get in a boat at some point.
It's beeing held in Nottingham weekend of week 9 (6-8th March). The sign up will go up tomorrow (Friday) at about 3pm assuming i dont stupidly forget.
If you want to see some photos there is a facebook group which you can all join.
This should be a brilliant trip and hope to see loads of you there.
Usual drill...almost.
1800hrs, TEMPO, WED wk4
Dress as your favourite Olympic sports personallity or generic athlete.
Nignog and Blackers
Dear Everyone,
The jackets will soon be with us, though we are still awaiting payment from a few naughty types, but I have decided (and been told) to get on with things. So let's all get hoodies! I promise they won't be cardigans, capes or my trademark 'swesties', but real hoodies, honest guv. What's more they should be affordable, stylish and available in a variety of colours to be confirmed.
As well as being able to proudly display that you are a member of that gem among sports clubs: 'Warwick Canoe', AND have a funky design on the back, either some manly Kayaking motif or a big picture of my face (I just can't decide), you will be able to select for yourself a humorous or inappropriate name to have emblazoned upon your breast.
So... who's interested? Email, post or shout very loudly. Would you like S, M or L. Anybody desperate for a particular colour? What hideous title do you envisage for yourself? I might just give a half-price hoodie to anyone who chooses the name 'Marble-Gargler'.
Ok folks there have be tales of people having lectures on wednesday afternoons, there has been an unwritten agreement between the uni and the students union to kepp wednesday afternoons free for sport since the dawn of time, so if you have lectures running past 12pm on a wednesday then please send your testimony so we can put a stop to this before it becomes a problem. thank you.
Also Naken calanders featuring the canoe club and your's truely are now on sale at a reduced price of £2.50  wow! So if running out of ideas for mothers day, or just want to look at naken members (haha) of the canoe club when you feel lonely wander over to the sports center and take your home today!
Sorry for yet another email!!
If you are intending on doing your 2 star on the refreshers trip, you will have to do an open canoe test as well. There is one being run at leam boat centre on sun 15th feb, it should cost £25 and you can claim half of this back.
This is also needed for those of you who have old 2 star or are doing your new 3 star if you intend to get coaching qualifications.
It's a really fun day and you do learn a lot of useful skills.
So if anyone wants a go please email me or post on the website