
Jackets with Extra Snazzy.

Posted 16y 2mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Robb

Good day, loyal subjects. Some of you new members of the club may have noticed a few of the older, grumpier types stalking around campus in extremely slick and sexy black jackets with 'Warwick Canoe' emblazoned in shiny lettering across the back.

Feeling left out?

Feeling wet?

Feeling cold and windswept?

Feeling sexually humiliated?

Well, a new batch of jackets available soon (as long as you promise to buy them) can help with all but the last of those problems.

If you are interested in buying your first Warwick Canoe jacket (and I heartily recommend them), or buying a spare in case something terrible should happen, please let me know by either emailing or posting on the site. We should have them before the Christmas hols, when they will be of great use in keeping your nipples attached.

Robb - Secretary.


Posted 16y 2mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Professor Henry Brubaker

The traditional fireworks social is apon us!

The plan is simple... as usual. Meet at the bus stop at 1915hrs if you are coming from campus, otherwise find your way to my house in Leam for 2000hrs. This is happening next Thursday, week 7 [13th]. Please bring £5 to go towards the pyrotechnics, and bring some boose if you are that way inclined.

There is scope for a visit to Kelsey's and maybe even Evolve afterwards if people are up for it.

My address: 16 camberwell terrace, off Radford road. If you need further directions ring me. 07891822891

It has been deemed necissary for a second social sec to be appointed. I have been asked to bring this to your attention by the powers that be so that they can arrange an election some time towards the end of term. If you are interested in running, or want to suggest someone you think maybe suitable, talk to an exec member from either club.


Monday sessions

Posted 16y 2mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Einstein

Hi everyone

For at least the rest of term there will be coaching on monday sessions. We will only be using the shallow half of the pool so the hardcore gayboaters amongst you will still be able to strut your stuff.

Next monday we will be doing draw strokes and moving sideways, so if you have never heard of a draw stroke or sculling draw, or just want to come along to get some tips on how to improve it, then come along next monday at 830.

see you all then


New Year Scotland Tour 08/09

Posted 16y 2mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Snow


Wondering what to do over New Year this year? Put your mind at rest and come to paddle and party on the 2008/2009 Warwick Canoe New Year Tour!!!

When: Saturday 27th December 08 to Sunday 4th January 09

Where: SYH Glen Nevis, Fort William, Scotland

Who: haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaardccccoooooooore!! Anyone who doesn't know whether they're paddling at a suitable level for this trip, ask a member of the exec but you need to have a decent amount of experience of 'the gnarl'.

How: this trip relies on those of you who drive automobiles of some shape or form. Let me know how many people you can transport (along with their boats and kit).

Cost: about £170 for transport and accommodation, depending on petrol consumption and prices


Sign-up is now open (in 5 min)!!!!!

Any questions, just ask.

The Mighty Warwick Tournament

Posted 16y 2mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Cloughy
The time has come my friends for the mighty warwick polo tournament. The tournament will be held in the sports centre from 11 till 5 on Sunday 16th November (end of week 7), and warwick are fielding four teams; Mens A, Mens B, Ladies and Old Gits. If you are free and would like to play for any of these teams then please sign up in the trips section. Admittedly there will not be places for everyone that signs up, but this is not a definate 'no you will not ever play for warwick', it is merely because we have too many players! So sign up now, and lets kick some polo ass!

Water Based First Aid Course

Posted 16y 2mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Madi

Anyone want to do a water based first aid course?


  1.  Free of charge of course and very useful and informative,
  2. Recognised by most bodies as a proper qualification!
  3.  and I even hear you get a certificate!
  5. Post below or email if intrested we only get a couple of spaces per club so be the one and be the one FAST!

Tyne Tour

Posted 16y 2mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Steve

This is the one that you've been waiting for. The mighty Tyne Tour. 
Its a weekend packed full of paddling, drinking, gaelic dancing (which is called a ceidilh, pronounced kay lee).

We camp on the banks of the river Tyne in Hexham, (google map here)
We then paddle the river Tyne on the Saturday, go to the ceidilh, drink more, camp, and then then do a different river on the Sunday.

So, all good fun. It'll cost about £25-30 of your massive student loan and is not an event to be missed.

Sign-up will go up on Wednesday at about 2:00pm exactly. All the places go fast so keep your fingers on the keyboard and get yourself a space. has more info + a few pictures. has more pictures from last year too.

Steve (your now sober webmonkey)

SCORE week 5

Posted 16y 2mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Professor Henry Brubaker

Afternon all.

You've had three weeks of recuperation, now it's time once again to hit that cheese fest that is SCORE. Same timings as last time, 1800hrs in the TES for those who want to get in on the drinks  offers, circling will comence at 1900hrs. "But what about us Leam trainers!" I hear Ye shout. Fear not for plans are afoot to make Leam training slightly earlier next week (details to be confirmed early next week).

Our dress theme for this social is bin bag clothing. Creativity will be rewarded, lazyness punnished! Pretty simple really, make an outfit out of bin bags.

It would be brilliant to see as good a turn out as our first visit to Score, and if you are Leam training it is compulsory you attend. No excuses about costumes will be accepted, as it is so easy.

God speed those who are travelling down to London this weekend and good luck.


The Baron

Hardcore week 5 trip

Posted 16y 2mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Quaggers
Afternoon team,

During the weekend of week 5, there will be an excursion out to the wilderness (read: probably north wales) to challenge the more experienced members of this mighty establishment. The destination will probably be north Wales, but it depends if,where and how much it rains. In true spirit, we will be camping and taking cars, so please let me know if you're able to drive. If you have any particular feelings on where to go as well, feel free to leave your opinion.

Please note guys, this is a hardcore trip, so it's only available to people with a fair amount of river experience. It is catering for the exec and drivers who have put so much time into the club, but by all means email Madi or I at if you're not sure whether you have enough experience.

Your caring "vice" president (only joking madi)



Paddlesport trip

Posted 16y 2mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Quaggers
Hi guys,

We are running a trip to the local friendly paddling warehouse, Paddlesport on thursday after the session to suit all of your needs for kit/to get rid of that student loan wearing a hole in your pocket. If you're not going to the session, meet in the sports centre foyer (I've always wanted to legitimatly use that word) at 4:15, then we shall head off to the magical land of Compton Verney.

They are open till late, but I imagine we'll be back on campus around 7-8, or, depending on people's wishes, could go for a drink or two in leam afterwards.

If people want kit picked up, payed for etc. etc. post here and leave money with either me or your (trusty) treasurer Pete.

Over and out.
