
SOCIAL side of things

Posted 16y 10mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: White Ninja
Im probably not officially social sec anymore due to a certain lady from essex and a certain man from the South West but I thought Id send an email out to keep people in the mix. First half of this term is a little slow on the social side of things due to exams and the like but post canoe/polo pub drinks should keep the liver ticking along nicely. Second half of term, on the other hand, has many delights to fill the vacuum left by exams! There will be a BBQ at some point with, fingers crossed, less nudity than previous occasions and there is the massive Sports Fed ball/Surf trip combo. Four days to put hair on any man/womens chest! There are even rumours of Ralph famous for his light house manoeuvre attending, tent space anyone?
cheers all and good luck with exams and the likes

A team West Mids

Posted 16y 10mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Latvia
Hey guys,
Just a reminder that West Midlands tournament is on this Saturday 6-10pm in Halesowen.
Let Andy know if you can, cannot or would like to go along, drive and such...
Cheers, Signe

BUSA details

Posted 16y 10mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Latvia

Ta da da daa!!!!

Right ladies and gentlemen, the time has come for the polo event of the year and here are the details:


Meet outside Sports Centre at 3pm on Friday.


To my awareness people coming are:

A team: Cloughy, Roberts, Bradley, Ben, Iain, Rich and Strongman

B team: Greg, Dom, Dumphy, Swiss, Adam, Nigel?, Wen?, Scarf, Mackie (+Irina)

Ladies: Nicky, myself, Sam, Rachel, Madi and Kat

Old Gits: Pete, Jenna, Sam, Dr John, Webbo, Kate, Louise, Noj, Matt Gill?, and who knows..


Anyone forgotten, dropping out, bringing spectators or making own transport arrangements please let me know asap if you havenÔÇÖt already done so.


Importantly, boats and all your kit will need to be packed in the van at 10am Friday morning! IÔÇÖll have to be driving van up earlier for refs course. Sorry about this inconvenience, but please take it seriously. There wonÔÇÖt be any spare seats in the minibus for your kit and with it minibus exceeds weight allowance as by Warwick Sport guidelines. Additionally, all alcohol needs to go in the van!


As regards food there is a 24 hour Tesco not too long a drive away, so we can drop by there if needed, however we still wonÔÇÖt be able to take decent beverages if in minibus, so stock up. Aaaaaallllcohol mmmmm

During the day, thereÔÇÖll be a stand where you can buy some snacks and burgers and on Sat night a meal will be provided.


If you didnÔÇÖt know.. sleeping will be in tents, so if you donÔÇÖt have a tent there is thread on the forum for these issues. Generally take enough warm stuff, cos it does get cold at night and youÔÇÖll be standing around in wet kit near a windy lake half the day.


But then again youÔÇÖll be partying in a hot marquee in the evening so donÔÇÖt forget your 80ÔÇÖs outfit, shoulderpads, leggings, leather jacket, hairdryer and hairspray for the big hair look!


Ooooooooo, a very very important thing, even more important than hairspray, BRING YOUR LIBRARY CARD else you wonÔÇÖt be allowed to compete for the BUSA leagues.


Hope to see many of you at training on Wednesday and Thursday weÔÇÖre meeting outside Sports Centre at 3.45pm to head over to Leam. Please do sign up if youÔÇÖre planning on coming because I need to know that everyone fits in cars. ThatÔÇÖs all the main stuff I think.




summer tour

Posted 16y 11mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Madi
who is intrested in a club summer tour to somewhere nice, probably around th start of th summer holidays. madi x

pre BUSA Leam training

Posted 16y 11mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Latvia
Yo ladies and gentlemen,

me would like to inform you that there will be a nice sunny training session on the Leam next Thursday. Please meet outside Sports centre at 3.45pm so we can aim to leave by 4 to catch some daylight, pyramids, dribbling, passing and such.
Please sign up on the website, so I know the numbers, and let me know if you'd be able to drive roofracked or otherwise.

(An e-mail with all BUSA details will follow soon. Minibus will probably be leaving round 3pm on Friday, however you'll need to load your kit in the van possibly after Leam training on Thu or Friday morning. But as said, more details to follow.)

Your very expiring La Presidenta

IMPORTANT: Emergency Pool Closure

Posted 16y 11mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Frodo


Following 3 consecutive "Fails" in the sports centre's water quality testing, access to the pool has been temporarily suspended for all users. 

The Canoe / Canoe Polo club(s) have been suggested as the culprits, with inadequate cleaning of boats before pool use being cited as the cause. Therefore, for the Canoe and Canoe Polo clubs this suspension is Until Further Notice.

While this is especially frustrating with the BUSAs coming up at the end of next week, unfortunately there seems to be little we can do to prove our innocence. However, given the importance of the BUSAs in the Canoe Polo calendar, exceptional circumstances have been discussed and temporary changes to policies have allowed us access to the lake behind Rootes until the weekend of the BUSAs. At the moment this will only be for fitness training because of the lack of goals, but we are working with the Sports Centre on ways of rigging something up for use in the next two weeks.

All Canoe Polo sessions will be at the earlier time of 18:00 to 20:00 to allow for daylight. Please awate further details on updated Canoe session times. Make sure you are down by the Rootes lake changed and ready to paddle as close to 6pm as possible for Canoe Polo - we do not want to let this affect our BUSA chances any more than it has to!

Apologies for the extreme nature of these arrangements, and hope to see you there at 18:00.

Canoe and Canoe Polo Execs

Borrowed Wetsuits

Posted 16y 11mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Fingers
Hi Guys,

If you have borrowed a club wetsuit, please can it be returned at your earliest convenience. There are quite a few still missing in action after the Refreshers Trip, and this is resulting in grumpiness and shivering from those who need to borrow them. If you are going on Scotland Tour, please can you bring it wih you then, otherwise they can be left on the pool balcony, with the boats.

Thank you very much.

Your not-president-anymore President with fully functioning fingers,

Scotland Tour 2008

Posted 16y 11mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Greg

Hi all the time is almost upon us.  The mighty Scotland tour is nearly here again!


After another fantastic elections this week, well done to all those who took part and good luck to next years exec, we can now focus on the important matters.


The Scotland tour will be departing from the Sports centre as soon as the kit is sorted on Tuesday 25th March. ┬áSo please can everyone meet there at 0800 (in the morning) to give our drivers all day to get us there. ┬áIf you havenÔÇÖt paid yet please bring your cheques then so we know we have them. ┬á


If you have any questions between now and then or want to ask for a specific boat please use the forums as I am away in Spain with the Climbers for a week.


Have a great holiday,┬á if youÔÇÖre coming to Scotland I know you will!


Tour Sec


Greg Chandler OBE

hoodie collection

Posted 16y 11mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Madi
Hey guys, hopefully the hoodies ( canoe and canoe polo) will be here 2mrw! yey, i will be in cholo 5.30 till 6 for anyone who wants to come and pick theirs up before the holiday.If you need to get hold of me my current phone no. is zero7863115452, hope you all have great hoilday, and see some of you tomorrow, love madi (your just elected el president) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Election Results

Posted 16y 11mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Fingers
Hi Guys,

The results for the Canoe and Canoe Polo Club elections are as follows:

  • President - Madison McDonald
  • Vice President - Adam Stone
  • Secretary - Robert Dunphy
  • Treasurer - Peter Kennedy
  • Kit Secretary - Robert Steele
  • Coaching Secretary - Richard Beckett
  • Tour Secretary - Mattew Soman
  • President - Andrew Clough
  • Secretary - Richard Clabon
  • Treasurer - Rachel Smith
  • Kit Secretary - Adam Sutton
  • Coaching Secretary - Andrew Clough
  • Tournament Secretary - Jonathan Bradley
  • Social Secretary - Matthew Blackmore and Sarah Merry
  • Webmonkey - Stephen Brown
Thanks everyone for coming, and have a good Easter.

Ben & Signe