
Upcoming Polo Tournaments

Posted 14y 6mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: P Gizzle
6th Feb - Bristol

Games start at 1630 until 2130 Party afterwards if you want

I can't go neither can a few other drivers so if you want to go you'll need to convince at least 3 drivers for the van and minbus or people with cars.

26th/27th/28th Feb - Cardiff

This is set to be an epic BUCS warm up. It's outside (like BUCS) which changes the game massively and will be good experience for everyone, 3 days (like BUCS) and 3 leagues (like BUCS) Open A, Open B and Ladies.

Definitely a date for your diaries

BUCS Slalom

Posted 14y 6mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Snow
 Want to show the world who's [not] the best slalom paddler?

The national student slalom championships will soon be upon us.
  • Dates: 13th & 14th February 2010
  • Venue: Holme Pierrepont, Nottingham
  • Party: The party theme is Valentines and there will be a cheap bar!
  • Accommodation: camping
Deal is this:
- 2 nights of camping
- 1 amazing party
- 2 days of competitive (or hungover) paddling.
- as this is a competitive event and Warwick Sport sponsors it and it's virtually cost free for you!!

Points are not just for winning: however you represent your university, do it with pride. This is open to anyone with any boating experience (minimum of a pool session).
The more people we get going the better it becomes for us, so sign up on Monday at 12:00 for a great weekend.

Other reminders:
- come help out at the Refresher's Fair tomorrow (Friday 22nd) 10 till 17:30
- check the website (have patience with it, it's poorly) for up to date information on everything: we don't email everything out!


Refreshers Fair

Posted 14y 6mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: P Gizzle
Tomorrow in the atrium they are running a freshers fair which we have 2 stalls for. It is a similar format to Freshers sports fair from the start of the year to attract new members to the clubs.

Unfortunately I and a lot of other exec members are busy for a lot of the day so we're looking for volunteers to man the stalls and sell the club to people looking to take up a new sport in the new year.

Where?: The Atrium (Downstairs open bit of the new SU)
When?: 09:30 - 17:30 (We'll probably leave early to dash of for Refresher's trip)
What to bring?: Yourself, a laptop if you have one as there are no power points available and we'd like to have a few videos on for people to watch. (Obviously the laptop will be your responsibility so keep an eye on it)

I'll be there a bit at 09:30 to get set up but am dashing off pronto. Then I'll be back at 15:00.

Ice Skating

Posted 14y 6mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Mofo

Hi all,

Fancy the oppertunity to see your fellow canoeist falling over? Well here's your chance!

So, lets go ice skating at Coventry Skydome on Wednesday week 2 (20th Jan) at 8pm till 10pm. Cast will be £5.40 with Skate hire at £2. What a bargain!

For those who wish meet at the arts centre bus stop at 7:15, or meet us there at 8!

See you all there

Canoe Polo Hoodies 09/10

Posted 14y 6mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: space case
Dave's design was chosen

The hoodies will be zippy hoodies, with Dave's design printed on the back (black or white depending on your hoody colour).
There's 2 pockets at the front, like a normal hoody, but seperated by the zip...

Colours avaliable are:
Royal Blue
Classic Olive
Steel Blue

Sizes avaliable: (chest measurement)
S (35/37)
M (38/40)
L (41/43)
XL (44/46)
XXL (47/49)

On the front left breast (that's your left breast, not the left breast that someone else sees, if you gather my orientation) there will be the standard Warwick University logo, with 'Warwick Canoe Polo' embroidered underneath.

We have chosen the option of having initials on the right breast this year.

Price of hoodies will be approximately £25 - I will let you know the final hoody price once I have everyone's order.

Sooo, please post below only to confirm an order, don't want any rubbish clogging up this thread. If you have an actual question because you are confused, then maybe i will permit you one post in this thread.

I would like your:
choice of colour
intials for right breast (if you want them)

Deadline for order is Friday 22nd Jan (week 2)

Cost will then be confirmed, and cash/cheques will be collected at the polo session tues week 3.

Excellento, I cannot wait to see you all looking sexy in your polo hoody.

ULU Tournament Money

Posted 14y 6mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Yellow
Hello everyone - hope you had a good Christmas and a fun New Year!!

Anyway, we need to collect money due for the ULU Tournament last term. The cost is £20 - to cover travel, entry fees and camping. Not bad for a weekend of polo!!

If you could bring your cheque book or cash to Polo tomorrow night - that would be great. I'm sure Scamrass won't mind collecting the money for me at Canoe tonight if I don't make it.

Also, National League players that played in either of the first 2 tournaments, but haven't yet paid - please pay this week. £7.50 per tournament.

We will not be charging for the cancelled tournament.



The return of Pop

Posted 14y 6mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Mofo

Hi all,

Hope you've all had a relaxing christmas and new year. However it is now time to break those new years resolutions!

That's right, Pop on wednesday week one (13th). Usuall drill, Copper rooms at 7pm

Theme is SNOW so I'll look forward to seeing lots of penguins, snowmen and polar bears!

Be there or be square,

Your lovely social secs xx

Minibus Assessments

Posted 14y 6mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: P Gizzle
Hey guys just received this by e-mail not sure if you all did or not so thought I'd post it up anyway.

Being a driver helps out the clubs massively as we can't run trips otherwise. It'll also mean you're more likely to get onto popular trips!

The Lecture is Thursday 14th
January @ 5pm R1.13(If you are not 21 yet but are thinking of doing an assessment in
the future you can go along to this)

The Assessments are taking place Monday 18th
January-Thursday 21st January

Sign up is at Student Union Reception


I'm more of a couch coach myself

Posted 14y 7mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Fred
Girls and boys

Exciting opportunities to learn new and arguably interesting things! Various stars and levels and rescue training courses available in the new year.

2 and 3 star, level 1, FRST and aquatic first aid all possible.

More information at

Hope you all are having a nice christmas, and i'm sure all my cards and presents have just been delayed by royal mail, right?

Holiday Polo

Posted 14y 7mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: P Gizzle
Holiday Polo will be on Wednesday 16th Dec and Wednesday 6th Jan from 2000 -2130.

Wet Festive love to you all,