
Nene Trip

Posted 14y 4mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Screamer
Hello everyone, I hope your first week of uni is a drink induced blur of amnesia.
Now that people have begun to try their hand at this kayaking malarkey, itÔÇÖs time to get onto some real water. Therefore this is the official announcement of our trip to the Nene whitewater course!

This man-made river stretches for 300 metres of fun but safe rapids and even forms a horseshoe to make walking back to the top easy (which is good because thereÔÇÖs nothing worse than walking). This trip is the best introduction possible for whitewater and is aimed at people of all abilities.

┬áThe date is set for Wednesday 13th Oct, meeting outside the sports centre at 11.30am, returning to campus at about 5.30pm, costing ┬ú5 for the whole trip. You will need swimming gear, shoes you donÔÇÖt mind getting wet (old trainers are perfect) and a towel, the club can provide everything else, however if you have your own kayaking kit feel free to bring it along.

You will need to be a member of the club. This is for insurance purposes and IÔÇÖm afraid there are no exceptions. This costs ┬ú5 as well, but that is the cheapest and (in my opinion) the best canoe club membership out there. ┬áThis can be done at the sports centre or on the Warwick sport website. In addition we need you to have been at a pool session, to ensure you know how to swim and exit a kayak etc.

To sign up:

After joining the club, log in at by entering your uni card number and Warwick sport password in the boxes on the left, then click on trips, then Nene trip then click sign up. After this is it will say your sign up is awaiting confirmation. Once itÔÇÖs confirmed we will email you.

Confirmations will be given on a first come first served basis, although priority will be given to new members.

Any more questions feel free to contact any members of the exec on the website, by email or at a pool session (theyÔÇÖre the ones looking confused and incompetent).

See you on the river!


Minibus Assessments

Posted 14y 4mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Mofo

If you are:

  • Current Student or Staff of the University of Warwick, associate Warwick Sport member or a External Coach
  • Over 21
  • No serious driving convictions
  • Driving for at least TWO years under a british or european driving licence.

Then you can drive a minibus for the canoe or polo club.

Application forms are available Students' Union North, you will require both parts of your Driving Licence (Paper and Plastic), one passport size photograph,  and a returnable deposit cheque of £10.00

There is a lecture on Thursday at 17:00 in RO.21 that you must attend. There will be other oppertunities throughout the year but you can attend the lecture before you're 21!

If you could drive a minibus please do so! The club wouldn't work without you guys and it's a good way of increasing your chances of getting on trips.


Social on Thursday

Posted 14y 4mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Alice


Hope everyone had a brilliant summer!

As a chance for everyone to catch up there is going to be a trip to Robins Well/ Kelseys on Thursday (7th).

Starting at Robins Well at 7:30pm for food if people want it, then heading to Kelseys around 9:30pm.

Hope to see you all there,



Posted 14y 4mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Yellow
Welcome to the Canoe & Canoe Polo Clubs Come down and try out Kayaking or Canoe Polo at one of our pool sessions in the Sports Centre Swimming Pool. All you need to bring is swimming kit (and a t-shirt for polo). Canoe sessions: Mondays 8:30-9:30pm Thursdays 3:00-4:00pm Friday 7:30-8:30pm (in Week 1 & 2 only) Canoe Polo Tuesdays 7:15-9:30pm Have a browse of the website and take a look at the photos section to see what we have been up to over the last year. Head over to our stands at the Sports Fair on Tuesday too. See you soon! Mofo and Yellow Canoe and Canoe Polo Presidents

Sports Fair

Posted 14y 4mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Mofo

Hi Guys!

Sports fair is on this Tuesday (5th) from 9am-4pm.

If you could be around in the sports centre to encourage freshers to join that'd be great, even if it's just for half an hour.



Money - Please Read

Posted 14y 4mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Harriet
Money owed for Surf Trip transport: PGL - £15 Snowman - £15 Alfie - £15 Manof - £15 Your lovely canoe club needs your money so we can keep doing fantastic things :) Cash or Cheque to UWSU please Snowman, you can post me a cheque if that's easiest? ALSO anyone who is owed money by the club please post here!

Courses next term

Posted 14y 6mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Einstein

I just got an email with a list of courses run in the area next term if anyone wants to do them.

2 Oct               Foundation Safety & Rescue Training (FSRT)

                        This will be run in the Lichfield area. Cost will be £30 excluding BCU fees.



9-10 Oct          2 day first aid course (16 hour)

This award is suitable for all BCU courses and is a mixture of classroom and lots of practical sessions. The venue is still being confirmed but is likely to be within the Birmingham area. Cost will be £60, excluding certification fees.



16-17 Oct        Coach Level 2 transfer course

The transfer course has been increased to two days to give us more time to cover all the content of this award. This is aimed at existing level 2 coaches (or above) who wish to transfer to UKCC. It will be run at Upton Warren and cost will be £80, excluding BCU registration costs.



23-24 Oct        Whitewater Safety & Rescue course (WWS&R)

This will be run in N Wales. Cost will be £60 excluding accommodation and BCU certification fees.



6-7 Nov           4 star Leader Open Canoe training course.

The venue for this is still to be arranged but is likely to be N. Wales. Cost will be £60 excluding accommodation.



11-12 Dec       4 star Leader Whitewater (kayak) training course.

The venue for this is still to be arranged but is likely to be N. Wales. Cost will be £60 excluding accommodation.


With all the above courses, booking is via Ian Dallaway. It is important to book early for these courses as they have filled up quickly in the past. More information on all the above is available on request.



Email:ian.dallaway (at) bt (dot) com

Polo This Weekend?

Posted 14y 7mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Yellow
Bedford River Festival is a huge outdoor event and this year it will be hosting some Polo games! They want some scratch teams this weekend. If you are interested, shout and I'll post more details.

Note: You would need to organise transport and the £25 entry fee amongst yourselfs.

Holiday Polo

Posted 14y 7mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Yellow
Holiday polo is as follows

[Quote=Heather Battersby]

I have booked the whole of the pool on Wednesdays 8.00 - 9.30 pm commencing 7 July and each week until 29 September. However, there are four weeks when we cannot assist you, due to existing commitments:


21 July, 28 July, 4 August and 11 August.

Really sorry about this.


Do people want me to reorganise the weeks the pool can't do?

Surf Trip T-Shirt Names

Posted 14y 7mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Buzz Lightyear

I'm sure you're all well aware that Surf trip tshirt names were dreamt up by your fellow canoe club deities....

but sadly, in the real world, tshirts couldn't have arrive in time (wa)

Since I'm about to pack my laptop away and go to Austria for two weeks, I figured it was fitting to advise you of the names. I shall dispense this

Andrew ÔÇÿcotton pickerÔÇÖ Clough

Graham ÔÇÿnearly a docter, still a legendÔÇÖ Roberts

Peter ÔÇÿAWOLÔÇÖ Kennedy

Matthew Soman-y jokes, so little space

Rich ÔÇÿface for the radioÔÇÖ Clabon

Madi ÔÇÿcrackerÔÇÖ McClough

Rachel ÔÇÿlong distanceÔÇÖ Smith

Dom ÔÇÿshort leashÔÇÖ Stone

Barry Baz Bobby Barack Obama Clough

ÔÇÿRaging CowÔÇÖ Matt Blackmore

Richard ÔÇÿbantersaurusÔÇÖ Beckett

Nigel ÔÇÿway off theÔÇÖ Markey

Sarah ÔÇÿthe temptressÔÇÖ Blair

Andy ÔÇÿone for the roadÔÇÖ Moffatt

Screamer ÔÇÿAdamÔÇÖ Talbot

Dave ÔÇÿclub DarlingÔÇÖ Sparling

Stephen ÔÇÿBongBongÔÇÖ Brown

J├Ârdis ÔÇÿdie Kanone Mark-2ÔÇÖ Burmeier

Amba ÔÇÿMIAÔÇÖ Coleman

Erin ÔÇÿfunn bagsÔÇÖ Dilger

Erin ÔÇÿ3hrsÔÇÖ Dunn

Alex ÔÇÿNevilleÔÇÖ Chamberlain

Matt ÔÇÿClear BlueÔÇÖ Bryce

Sam ÔÇÿwhatÔÇÖs he DunnÔÇÖ Smackrash

William ÔÇÿCelebacy*ÔÇÖ Buck Rogers

David ÔÇÿany holeÔÇÖs the goalÔÇÖ Smith

ÔÇÿNÔÇÖ Ellie ÔÇÿthe elephantÔÇÖ Kyle

Eilidh ÔÇÿAlpacaÔÇÖ Larmour

Alice Corbett-Lawson

Greg ÔÇÿSalad FingersÔÇÖ Lawson-Corbett

Charlie ÔÇÿis she Welsh? Her surname isÔÇÖ Jones

Callum ÔÇÿduck on valliumÔÇÖ Young

Robb ÔÇÿif thereÔÇÖs going to be a 3rd person in our relationship, God canÔÇÖt be itÔÇÖ Dunphy

Vincent ÔÇÿbottle capÔÇÖ Smith

Robert ÔÇÿshould have gone to UniversityÔÇÖ Steele

Alfie ÔÇÿamishÔÇÖ Hatt

Tomrob White ÔÇÿWasteÔÇÖ

Robtom ÔÇÿChubby DÔÇÖ Deller

Mysterious ÔÇÿly absentÔÇÖ Joe

Jon ÔÇÿHouse HusbandÔÇÖ Bradley

Steph ÔÇÿthe longest 9 months of BryceÔÇÖs lifeÔÇÖ Anstey

Fred Ã”ÇÿBoratÔÇÖ Lehman

Rich ÔÇÿI can do science meÔÇÖ Pingram

Thrumpton ÔÇÿ-1ÔÇÖ Potter

Dave ÔÇÿnothing to serious, pleaseÔÇÖ Kaye

Ruth ÔÇÿis now DrÔÇÖ Nicol

Harriet ÔÇÿDonÔÇÖt mention the R-wordÔÇÖ Pearce

Owen ÔÇÿeasily confused for SomanÔÇÖs girlfriendÔÇÖ Jones

Iain ÔÇÿGary GlitterÔÇÖ Embrey

Greg ÔÇÿoldilocksÔÇÖ Chandler

Katheryn ÔÇÿstill ginger? Seriously?ÔÇÖ Mcgeough