Evening all,
Training this Tuesday will be on breaks, where your team regains possession and attackers quickly break free to receive a long pass and score. Same as usual, first two sets of people on the pitch do training followed by a game.
The drill I would like to do is here: http://www.warwickcanoe.co.uk/site/polotraining/poloskills#breakdrill . Please let me know if you find anything you think is wrong.
This should involve lots of sprinting, shooting and passing and hopefully we'll get good enough at it to have minimum sitting around!
Hopefully see you all tomorrow,
Hello there!
Not many weeks of me inflicting my dubious coaching on you left now! Thought I'd write a general e-mail of some stuff.
If you have been intrigued by the miniscule amount of training we have done and would like to learn more, the pages I wrote here are a start: http://www.warwickcanoe.co.uk/site/polotraining/home/ . They contain stuff on basic paddling, ball skills, training drills, strength/power/flexibility training, tactics, fitness training. Why not have a go!? If you are wondering where to start, I would go for basic paddling skills and core strength (particularly rotation), the latter seems to help the first a lot.
I hope the training yesterday was of some use! During the run through of the corner set piece we were certainly seeing results. Unfortunately there weren't as many opportunitiespresent or taken to score nice goals like that in the real games! Still as more general points to take away:
-If you are running in to shoot, do soon a route where there are no defenders marking you.
-Almost every spectacular looking goal is made by good passes from other players, and a good clearing of a gap by other players, the shooter just finishes it off. Give and take credit to/as a team!
-Don't be afraid to be the one who initiates a bit of team work during a game or especially at the start. If you get on the pitch and have a little discussion of what you're going to do, you might enjoy building some sort of game plan and executing it more than ignoring your friends and participating in what I would consider to be a demoralising free for all.
-Channel your inner rage into your effort levels and your concentration, not your mouth!
Glad the sprinting was of use too (not my idea, can't claim credit for that).
This e-mail has been long and emotional. I might go and run a couple of kittens through a wood chipper to make myself feel more manly again.
Right my pedigree chums,
This Tuesday will be similar to last Tuesday, where we have a go at a set piece attack, before more games. This time it will be slightly different, and take place from a corner.
Please read this before the session:
If not you will fall foul of my inept explanations of what makes sense inside my head!
Once again, beginning to sound boring, please turn up on time, but preferably a bit early to help set up goals and get gear out.
Want it, be the one,
Hey everybody!
The day you have waited for is finally here, and you can order yourself a canoe hoody to parade around in.
The cost will be a miniscule £23 (a whole £2 cheaper than the polo hoodies, not that it's a competition or anything). They will come in the following 4 colours, of which you may pick just one.
You can see the colour chart at http://www.admdirect.co.uk/product.aspx?id=3805
So, you say, how do I get myself one of these hoodies? Simples!
1) Signup at http://warwickcanoe.co.uk/site/trips/trip/143/
2) Email me (secretary@warwickcanoe.co.uk) with your size, colour, and desired name.
3) Pay myself or smacrass via cheque or cash.
You have until monday evening next week to signup, email me and pay me. Cheques should be payable to UWSU, and cash is also good. Give it to me or Smacrass, and if you can't find me/him, email me and we'll sort something out.
Your always-humble secretary
Time: (PM) To be confirmed.
Keep watch fo further details.