Posted by: Buck Rogers
Evening paddlers! I bring you joyous news, the Mighty Tyne Tour is upon us! Its the time of year when Uni Canoe Clubs from far and wide descend on Hexham for a weekend of frolicking in rivers, drinking port and (most importantly) attempt to build a gigantic human pyramid at the Ceilidh (an evening of violent Scottish dancing for those of you who are Science students and therefore uncultured.) The Important Shizz 1. We will meet at 4pm on Friday 5th November (End of Week 5)at the Sports Centre and return late on the (7th) Sunday night. 2. This trip is suitable for anyone who has been to a pool session. 3. It will cost you a mere £32. Bargain! How do I sign up? Sign up will go online at 5pm tomorrow (Tuesday) evening. If your account does not work, then please email me at this time. This trip is incredibly popular and was full in less than a minute last year. Don't be like Einstein and miss out on the biggest trip of the year! Its so good, I flew back from France last year so I could go. Want it, be the one! Your loving and moist Vice Pres, Buck
Posted by: Alfred
Hi, Sorry to inform you that the ULU Tournament has been cancelled due to an issue their end with pitch bookings. The tournament has been moved to an as of yet undisclosed date in March instead. I guess we'll have to wait until then to pummel them into submission once again.
Posted by: Scamrass
(On behalf of Yellow)
There is a polo session in the pool from 7:30-8:30 tonight. Beginners welcome!
Please post below if you are coming.
Posted by: Alfred
Hello everyone,
We are awaiting awaiting confirmation from ULU, but hopefully we should be entering a men's squad into the open league. If you are interested in playing (note: the tournament clashes with the Tyne Tour on the 6th and 7th of Nov), sign up has just gone up so put your name down.  
Posted by: Scamrass
 Hi guys! (oh i hate saying that)
As of this Thursday (week 3), the 3-4pm session on a Thursday will be for BEGINNERS ONLY. This gives all you beginners a fantastic chance to come along and have some structured coaching rather than the haphazard help that has been going on so far. The more advanced paddlers will be allowed back in the pool in about 6 weeks time.
Alex(Yellow) and myself will be running the coaching sessions. Any helpers that wish to come along may do so, but the priority for boats will be to the beginners.
So do you count as a beginner? If you have done none or very little paddling before then yes, this is you! We will be taking you from 'zero to hero'. For paddlers who have done a bit more, but feel like your basic skills are rusty, then come along too!
This week we will be covering the basics of forward paddling, backwards paddling and stopping. I will post up on the website every week as to what we are planning to cover in the session.
Posted by: Mofo
 Leam trip -
Tomorrow (Woho) Those of you coming from campus there is a bus at 10:19, make sure you don't miss it! Otherwise meet at Leam boat centre at 11am. Bring some lunch and dry clothes, some old shoes you don't mind getting wet is a good idea too. Cost is £3 and you'll need some money for the bus as well. Sign up on the website - see details below
Curry Social -
Just what it says on the tin! Thursday week 3 (21st) Millenium Balti in Leamington meet there at 7:30. If you're not sure where it is you'll find it on google maps. We'll most likely go to Kelseys bar and evolve after. It's a great night out and the perfect opportunity to get to know others in the club better.
Freshers Trip -
You definitely don't want to miss this one! A weekend trip to South Wales. We'll be leaving on Friday week 3 (22nd) at 4pm and returning on Sunday evening. This is a great introduction to whitewater kayaking, anyone can come as long as you have been to a pool session before and done a swim test and capsize drill.
Cost will be around £30. This will be confirmed in the next couple of days.
Sign ups -
Sign up is on the website ( click on trips. To sign in you need to be a memeber of the club then use your student number (not your IT login name) and the password for warwick sport site
That's just about all for now, any questions just email, post something on the forum, or ask someone at a session.
Happy Paddling!
Posted by: Yellow
Do you think the pool is just a tad too small for kayaking? Tired of only being in a boat for half an hour? We have the trip for you...
This Saturday (16th October) we are going on a trip to the great town of Leamington; it's where most of the non-freshers live... We'll be meeting at the Leam Boat Centre at about 11, where we shall have use of the changing rooms. We'll get changed and be on the water nice and quick. All the boats the club have will be there and a couple of us might even be in canoes. (Just me at the moment...)
Anyway, sign up is open now on; let me know if you can't log on. We aim to get everyone who signs up on the trip. It will cost just £3 for use of the changing rooms and transporting the boats to Leam; please bring £3 on the day.
We supply all the safety kit, just bring swim shorts, t shirt, old trainers and a fleece. If you need any more info, drop me an email or ask on the forum.
If you live on campus, we will arrange a meeting time on campus for you guys. You will then need to get the bus to Leam, which is about £3 return.
Posted by: Einstein
Sorry if we've been filling your inbox with spam for the last week, but this is definitely the most important email you'll receive. You've hopefully seen a bit of what canoeing is like, but now it's time to see what we do out of the water.
We'll be going to Pop this wednesday (13th) Circling starts at 7 and fines could ensue for anyone later than 730, then we can dance the night away to the cheesey tunes. If you want to see photos of socials goneby, forward to seeing all you lycra clad batmen and women on wednesday.
Einstein, Alice and Cloughy
Posted by: Einstein
Welcome to the Canoe & Canoe Polo Clubs
Come down and try out Kayaking or Canoe Polo at one of our pool sessions in the Sports Centre Swimming Pool. All you need to bring is swimming kit (and a t-shirt for polo).
Canoe sessions:
Mondays 8:30-9:30pm
Thursdays 3:00-4:00pm
Friday 7:30-8:30pm (in Week 1 & 2 only)
Canoe Polo
Tuesdays 7:15-9:30pm
Have a browse of the website and take a look at the photos section to see what we have been up to over the last year. Head over to our stands at the Sports Fair on Tuesday too.
See you soon!
Mofo and Yellow
Canoe and Canoe Polo Presidents
Posted by: Yellow
The first tournament is next Saturday (16th October). The following people have expressed interest, and if you can, we'd like you to play... Yellow Rach Buck Matt B Screamer Deller Jo Darling Thrumpton You need to be BCU members and available next Saturday afternoon/evening...