
BUCS Cowboy Party

Posted 14y 3mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Buzz Lightyear
Howdy Hotties! The 23rd-25th April (weekend of Week 0) is BUCS Canoe Polo On the Saturday there's a party, this years theme is: WESTERN (Cowboys, Indian, Cacti, Tumble-weed, etc.) That means you have over 10 days and one weekend to organise a phenomenal costume for what will be an awesome night. See y'all soon! Niggity 'quick draw' McGraw p.s. look for an email soon, with details about travel and the rest of the weekend

Food. Wetherspoons. Tonight

Posted 14y 4mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Steve
Hello everybody

I have no friends or food in my house, so I propose hitting wetherspoons at around 8:00pm tonight for a bit of pre-tour banter and food. Obviously, some of you are at holiday polo, so cannot attend, but you can perhaps come along later if we are still around. Of course, you don't have to come ie if you live in coventry, but I will be there!


Easter Tour - ONE EXTRA PLACE!

Posted 14y 4mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Sarah
After watching people throw themselves down waterfalls and rapids at film night, as the excited chatter increases and the anticipation starts to build, we all know :


Now for those of you who are sitting and thinking, "If only I had signed up, I would be super excited about the prospects of going on the awesome easter tour..." there is another chance for you to get involved...

We have ONE MORE SPACE - so if you are interested and want the chance to have some paddling joy in the lands afar of scotland, then email me ASAP :-)

Some info:

When? 25th March - 2nd April

How much? £170 (travel, accomodation and the exclusive tour t shirt) - Every penny will be worth it, and its likely youll have a few returned.

What? Paddling, ale, murder mystery, narnia, wide games, fun and frolics and surely many more exciting exploits to be had......

Doubts? Dont be silly, its easter tour! If you have work, youre welcome to bring it, I certainly need to :-) 

If youre interested, email me asap:

Your devoted tour sec,


Holiday Polo

Posted 14y 4mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: P Gizzle
Dates booked are:
Wednesday 24th March 20:00 - 21:30  Wednesday 7th April 20:00 - 21:30  Wednesday 14th April 20:00 - 21:30  Wednesday 21st April 20:00 - 21:30

And a special pre-BUCS Teams only session on 
Thursday 22nd April 20:00 - 21:30

We can also get the 31st March but this clashes with Scotland. Post here if you're going to be around and I'll book it.

Nene Trip

Posted 14y 4mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Snow

As we're all feeling our moving water paddling is a bit rusty, we're organising a trip to the artificial white water centre at Northampton.

As it's artificial, it's about the safest, easiest and best way you can practice or have fun for the afternoon. If you care, their website is:

The most important thing to know is that if you have a lecture on this last Wednesday morning of term, this is a valid reason to miss it! It'll be wicked =)

Date: 17th March 2010
Times: meeting on campus about 11:00, returning before 18:00
Who: anyone who has been to a pool session!
Why: practice moving water skills before Scotland, try some playboating..
Signup: Tomorrow (Wednesday 10th March), 9:30 in the morning

Also, first aid signup is up if you didn't notice.


Film night

Posted 14y 4mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Mofo

There is a first time for everything!

So the Canoe club is having its first ever (I believe) film night!

When: Wednesday 10 March (week 9) at 19:00

Where: R3.41 (Ramphal Building)

There will be a selection af paddling videos on display, maybe a real film too. You can order pizza and bring drinks and stuff, but sort this amongst yourselves!

Also next week is the cocktail party, exact details to be confirmed, but this will cost £5 in advance (give to scamrass) to pay for booze to be made into cocktails by our own very lovely cocktail waitresses!

Right that's all from me for now, I'll fill up your inboxes with spam again at some other later date,

Peace out (did i really just say that? Oh dear)


Film Our Tournament

Posted 14y 4mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Buzz Lightyear
This Sunday 14th of March is our Tournament.

We've got great teams coming and the standard of polo should be immense.

We want to be the Warwick Sport One To Watch this week (wicked publicity for the club)


We need you (actually two of you) to spare some time and  film the tournament using Warwick TV's cameras.

This is open to everyone in the club and I can't emphasise enough how good an experience seeing such a good group of players will be.

Post or talk to me in person.

Nige {insert Mexican National anthem here and something about Taco's. Hmmmm this will do:}

First Aid Course

Posted 14y 4mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Snow
Good morning!

Warwick Sport have [finally] organised us a First Aid course. I'm still wringing the details about it but will add them to the news post as soon as I know. (see this website for the canoe news threads: )

Not going on this course because you're afraid of responsibility is a shit excuse. Don't think because you have been on a first aid course you are responsible if someone hurts themselves, it just means you've got more idea about how to help them if you want to. A little knowledge can go a long long way.

Currently confirmed:
Date: Saturday 13th March
Sign-up: Tuesday 9th March, 10:30

Ambiguous details, to be confirmed:
Location: Campus
Length: 6/8 hours
Price: cheap - either partially or fully subsidised by WS I hope

So, please sign up tomorrow (pronto) if you want to get on it: space will be limited.
This course will be useful for almost all people! Whether it's your first First Aid and want to get some background knowledge, or whether you're a coach and need the certificate.

See you at the pool session tonight!

Team RAGE! Tuesday 9th March

Posted 14y 4mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Doc Brown

Hello all you polo legends,

Next Tuesday we'll be doing a team RAGE tournament as a bit of a warm up for the Warwick tournament.

Teams will be A, B, C, Ladies, Old.

Handicaps will be arranged to even up the games.

A sign up will go up on the website shortly, please sign up before Monday if you want to take part.

I know that whenever I propose a team RAGE with handicaps some people look as if I've just proposed urinating on their leg. Those with the Dunkirk spirit think "Ha, I will use my handicap to try and put the willies up the opposition and most of all I will learn from the experience, after all I won't be playing against teams like this in the real competition!". Having spent 6 years of university previous to a couple of BUSA bronzes losing everything, I can tell you that losing is character building. If you don't like losing, either do something about it, or get over it!

Get signing up!


Our Tournament and BUCS

Posted 14y 4mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: P Gizzle
Signups are up for our tournament (Sunday 14th March)

and BUCS 23rd - 25th April

As our tournament is the last one before BUCS, teams for our tournament will be those for BUCS as well, so if you can't play at BUCS sorry but you won't be considered for our tournament either.

Signup now as teams will be sorted for next Tuesday and if you aren't signed up you won't be picked.

Wet love,