

Posted 6y 2mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Fresher Christine


Sup paddlers,

This Thursday (28th June) is our final social of the year. If you still want to come sign up on the website.

Today is also the deadline for the early-bird prices: 
£30 for alcohol. 
£20 for non-alcoholic

After today these prices will increase by £5 each.

If you still need to pay contact, Daisy Saxelby.

Look forward to seeing as many of you there to celebrate a great year of Canoe,

F.Chris and D


Posted 6y 2mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Lara

Hey Paddlers,

We've got some changes acomin'...

Kit Amnesty - We are being required to do a full kit inventory, and for this, we need the kit back. Please bring any club kit you have hanging around yours back by 10am tomorrow. Please do not take any kit home after tonight’s session. All kit MUST be returned. 

Kit Borrowing - After this Sunday (01/07/18) the new Kit Borrowing policy comes into force. If you are borrowing kit, you MUST fill in polo’s kit borrowing form on the website. Since this use is outside of club usage, maintenance charges will apply: £1 for a complete set of kit excluding a boat per training session it is used at, £3 for each training session a boat is used at, and £5 for each tournament the kit is used at (tournament cost covers both boat and kit). There is also a charge for each Warwick session that the kit/boat misses equal to that of a training session. 

Paddles - Have you noticed that your favourite paddles feel a little different? Well, that’s sort of my fault. We have renumbered the paddles! Also, listed on the left blade is the length and feather. I know this is going to be a bit annoying, but it should hopefully make things easier for you all going ahead â”œâ–‘┼©ÔäóÔÇÜ

See you tonight!

Polo Love

Lara and the Polo Exec


Posted 6y 2mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Deeeee like the river

Sup Paddlers,

Tonight we will be having a barbecue as a relaxed way to pre drink before pop! This will be at the Jack Martin barbecue and starts at 7pm. Please bring your own food to barbecue and drinks!

See you then!

D and chris


Posted 6y 2mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Deeeee like the river

Sup paddlers!
As I hope you are all aware by now, next Thursday the 28th is epic party! This will be a really awesome night to formally celebrate making it through this year at Uni, so remember that formal attire is required! If you would like to bring a plus one (or many) let us know and they will be able to purchase tickets! The prices are looking at around £30 for a ticket including alcohol and £20 for a ticket without alcohol, and these prices include food, the the price is still to be confirmed! Please use this link to sign up and a payment link will be created over the next few days. for alcohol for soft drinks.
Hope to see you all there!
D and Chris


Posted 6y 2mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Deeeee like the river
Sup paddlers!
I hope everyone's exams are nearly over and you're ready to start the end of year celebrations off with Skooldayz tomorrow! We will be pre drinking in my kitchen from 9.30pm (after polo) which is Rootes H Block ground floor, and weather depending we might take the pre drinking outdoors!
Don't forget the dress code is school clothes!
Hope to see you there,
Your amazing social secs, D and Chris

Garage cleanup and kit fixing 15th June

Posted 6y 2mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Rowan

Hi paddlers,

The end of the year is nigh, which means the time has come for the annual garage clean up and kit fixing day!
This will involve tidying and cleaning the garage, taking an inventory of all the kit stored there and of course fixing stuff.
We'll be starting at 10am and will be continuing all day (barring lunch break), so the more people who turn up the better! Feel free to bring cake and biscuits along with you ;)
Hoping to see lots of you there,



Posted 6y 3mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Jonathan

Sup paddlers,

So as you all know surf trip is coming up (sign up if you haven’t already!!) and to accompany the trip there is of course a coveted t-shirt to commemorate not only the weekend, but the whole year of kayaking. You don't even have to go to surf to get a t-shirt! Each T-shirt will be adorned with your very own personalised nickname, hand crafted by our outgoing members.

If you would like to get a T-shirt please select your size on the doodle (same supplier as last year):

T-shirts will cost around £11 (TBC)  which we will send you a payment link for once the order has been processed.

Canoe love,

Jonathan and the canoe exec

Upcoming Socials

Posted 6y 3mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Fresher Christine

Sup paddlers!

As the end of term is almost upon us I thought I would update you on the final socials of the year. So once those pesky exams (boo!) are out of the way join us as we celebrate another year in typical Canoe style;

WEEK 8 – SATURDAY – SKOOLDAYZ – We will be hitting up the Copper Rooms. We will need a Fresher’s kitchen to host prinks, starting hopefully straight after polo at 21:30. Contact me if you want to host!

WEEK 9 – WEDNESDAY – POP! – Instead of circling in the Copper Rooms we will be having a BBQ (weather dependant) and drinks beforehand, then its back to the Copper Rooms for the final time this year. Prepare yourself as Disco Dave blasts out the Warwick Anthem ‘Mr Brightside’. The theme is Summer!! 
You only need an 'event-only' ticket!!

WEEK 9 - SURF – Need I say more. Signup if you haven’t already.

WEEK 10 – DATE TBC – EPIC PARTY – Warwick Canoe’s version of the Sports Ball. Join us for the final social of the year at Leamington Rugby Club where alcohol is aplenty. More information will be coming in the following weeks.

Canoe love

Chris and D


Posted 6y 3mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Liam

Sup Paddlers

Rumours have been circulating that exams are ending in a few weeks time. This can only mean one thing: summer kayaking!!



On the 19th June (Tues Week 9) the club will be heading to Nene whitewater centre for a sunny* afternoon play in some moving water. This will be a great opportunity to get back into paddling, and your best chance to try out the duo, or the brand new Wavehoppers on some moving water, as well as to try out any new playboating you’ve been practicing in the pool.
We will be meeting at 12pm and returning around 6.
This trip will cost £12, and includes all kit and transport.


Signups for Nene will go live Monday 4th June. If you would like to come but will be in an exam, let a member of the exec know in advance.


On the 22nd June (Fri Week 9) we will depart for what is debatably the best trip of the year: our annual surf tour at Newgale campsite in Pembrokeshire. A weekend of drinking (both alcoholic and non alcoholic beverages), bbqs, bonfires, party-tenting and maybe even a splash in the sea. This trip is open to absolutely anyone, so let us know if you’re bringing a plus-one with you. Camping should cost £6 per night, and transport will be approximately £25.


Signups for surf are already open on Everyone who signs up will be able to come!!

Be sure to signup for both a ‘leaving’ (Fri AM/PM) and a ‘returning’ (Sun PM/Mon PM) so that you will have transport both ways. Please sign up before Wednesday 13th June so we can sort transport, and let us know if you would like to bring a car.


Quick reminder that Epic Party will be on the 28th June (Thurs Week 10) at Leamington Rugby club - more on this soon.


Canoe Love,

Alice and the Canoe Exec

*Sunniness not guaranteed


Posted 6y 3mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Tommaso

Revision is making you stressed and you need to vent the anger for that missed deadline?

Want to experience some “Hey, hey, penalty!” at its finest?

Have you, like me, always dreamed to bin Josh and get awarded for it?
Then it’s time for RAGE!

For those who don’t know what Rage is (like me until last week, for example), it’s basically a Fantasy League whose spectacular and talented players are you all! After ranking all the players of our club from 1 to 10, you will have to create your own Fantasy Team: the mark assigned to each player will correspond to their “price”. Then, we will play several games during the next Tuesday sessions and everyone will be assigned some points for their performance (criteria include scoring a goal, saving, bins and so forth). The person whose team collects the highest number of points will win a tempting cash prize. For this reason, a small admission fee will be required if you want to create a Fantasy Team. Of course, no money required to come and play, you already all have your membership (am I right, Chris?)
Anyway, more details on creating your own team will follow once teams are released.
But first of all, you all need to sign up! The deadline for signups is Tuesday 15th at 23:59!

Hope you will all take part in this amazing competition!


Thanks for your attention,

See you soon!

Your Italian Stallion,
