We have loads of awesome socials coming up this term! For those of you who are feeling organised, here's a list of socials for the first half of term:
Week 2 (Thur 21 Jan): Barcrawl Thing
Week 3 (Thur 28 Jan): Laser Quest
Week 4 (Wed 3 Feb): POP!
Week 5 (Fri 12 Feb): Pub Golf
We will post more closer to the time but the important thing is to get your POP circling tickets for 3 Feb and 9 Mar and to sign up for laser quest ASAP!
Love Jeff and Alan
Guys and Gals,
Been missing the excitement of a good canoe trip all holiday?? Fear not Refreshers is here!! Next weekend (22nd-24th January) we will be heading down to Dartmoor for a weekend of fun. You will not have needed to attend a trip before only to have been to a couple of pool sessions.
The trip will cost £40 including accomodation, kit and transport. There will be a group meal on Saturday night for which we will ask a contribution of £2. All you will need is a sleeping bag (the club have a few spares so if you need one let us know but that will be on a first come first serve basis), lots of warm clothing (non-cotton layers for on the river), some swimming kit, some shoes you dont mind getting wet and your beautiful selves. 
We will be meeting at 4pm on friday 22ndoutside the sports centre so if you cant make this time (going to be an hour late for example) then let us know. We will return late sunday night.
As per, once you have signed up you are commited to paying for the trip. If we cant find a replacement for you you will have to pay otherwise the club will be out of pocket. The sooner you let us know you cant go the more likely we are to be able to find a replacement.
Sign ups will go live on the trips part of the website at 4:30pm this friday 15th January. I advise you are online at that time, this is usually a very popular trip.
Legeneds speak of a tour, a Scoland tour. A tour that'll take place Sunday 20th to Monday the 28th of March (week 10/11/12). A tour costing between £200 and £250, including accomodation, transport, kit, a group meal and more!  A tour so formiddable, we ask that you've been on a club trip beforehand (theres three happening this term if you havn't had the chance yet, details to follow). A tour that sprawls over two bunkhouses, first near Nethy Bridge, then on to Fort William. Also theres usually loads of kayaking and drinking (including kegs of Ale at the first bunkhouse!) and stuff and it's lots of fun.
This really is a once in a year oppurtunity, and you'll get the chance to paddle some of Scotlands most popular rivers, so save the dates, start budgeting, get excited, go on trips this term, and listen out for the sign ups early February. Let me know if you've any questions.
I hope you've all had nice breaks, see you soon!