
Polo Leam Trip (week 10)

Posted 8y 7mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Stockton
Polo Leam Trip (week 10)

Once again we will be heading down to the Leam for a couple of hours of hard core paddling.
This session we'll be slightly different as we've got the Christmas Meal that evening.

We plan to be back on campus for 5.30 latest, however after putting kit away there wont be much time to make yourselves pretty for the Social.
If you think you'll need for time I suggest you butter up someone in Leam, and stay in Leam after the session and get ready at their house.   

When- 1.00pm Wednesday 9th November

Where- Meet at the sports centre

Why?- Work Hard = Play Hard

Kit list
  • Swim wear
  • Towel
  • Water
  • Water shoes (flipflops, crocs etc)
  • Coat
  • Thermal layers if you have them

We will (fingers crossed) have cags for you to borrow.
The trip will cost you £3.70 (return bus ticket to Leam)


Posted 8y 7mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Alan

On Wednesday we will be poping, wooo!! Meet you in the Cooper Rooms at 7 for circling and then POP, circling has sold out but you can still buy a POP ticket and join us there!
The theme is no clothes, so use your imagination!!!!

Don't forget to sign up for the Christmas meal and secret Santa by the end of tonight, please post your order on the website.

Christmas meal and secret santa

Posted 8y 8mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Alan

Hi guys, 

We will be having our annual Christmas meal at Robbins Well at 7 pm on Wednesday 9th Decemeber downstairs, nice and cute right! If you would like to go to this amazing social, sign up on the website (on the trips section of the website) by midnight on November 30th, so that I have time to get your order and tell the Well. Here is a link to the menu, we will be having the Festive menu, so it is either 2 course for £7.5 or 3 for £10, It is a great night and of course we will end up in Kelsey's, where else?!?

Also we will be doing secret santa!!! If you would like to be part of this please sign up on the website under the secret santa trip by midnight on November 30th, we will let you know the next day who you have!! The limit for presents is £5, last year it was great fun so I would really recommend signing up!!

More information will come once the sign ups have closed. All you have to do is sign up :) 


Alan and Jeff x

Pool Session Cancelled 24/11/15

Posted 8y 8mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Emma
For those of you who missed the facebook post tonights polo session is cancelled too due to the same reason as yesterday. Many apologies.

Pool Session Cancelled 23/11/15

Posted 8y 8mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Sam
Hello all,

Profoundest apologies but due to circumstances beyond my control (the Sports Centre have closed the pool due to "maintenance issues") we unfortunately have to cancel tonights pool session.

Hopefully it will all be fixed by Wednesday! (or Tuesday for those polo-minded folks :p)

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news,

Skool Dayz

Posted 8y 8mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Jefff
check out my cool heading, Stockton!

Make sure you have bought your Skool Dayz tickets for this Saturday! We are pre drinking in Rootes L Kitchen 10 at 20.00 and heading to Skool Dayz at 23.00 ish. 

Remember to dress up in school clothes and to bring your own booze!

See you all there!

Rules for Kit Borrowing

Posted 8y 8mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Charlie

You must inform the kit sec, or failing that the president, before taking club kit.  You must identify the kit you are taking, when you are taking it and when it will be returned. Inform the exec before you take it.

The cost for training is £2.50 per boat and relevant kit and £5.00 for tournaments. This will go towards maintaining the boat.

You must clean the boat and kit if you have been to an outside event, and return it safely and in the same condition as when you borrowed it.

If you already have kit out, you may not remove any more kit from the pool, this includes for university events. You may only borrow one boat and set of kit at a time.

The above conditions are in force from now on.

Rules For Kit Borrowing.

Posted 8y 8mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Charlie

You must inform the kit sec, or failing that the president, before taking club kit.  You must identify the kit you are taking, when you are taking it and when it will be returned. Inform the exec before you take it.

The cost for training is £2.50 per boat and relevant kit and £5.00 for tournaments. This will go towards maintaining the boat.

You must clean the boat and kit if you have been to an outside event, and return it safely and in the same condition as when you borrowed it.

If you already have kit out, you may not remove any more kit from the pool, this includes for university events. You may only borrow one boat and set of kit at a time.

The above conditions are in force from now on.

South Wales Trip-week 9

Posted 8y 8mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Alan

Did you miss out on all the paddling so far? Or fail to get to Tyne Tour? No worries the final trip of the year is upon us, on the weekend of 4th-6th of Decemeber we will be heading into Wales (scary I know) for yet another fun weekend paddling. Hopefully this will be the first weekend trip without a broken mini-bus!!!!! 

We will be going to South Wales to paddle the River Usk, leaving on the Friday night from the sports center and returning on Sunday evening.

Sign ups will go live on the trips part of the website ( at 6:30pm this Monday (23th November). This trip is bound to be popular so if you really want to come make sure you are online at 6:30!! The trip is again suitable for anyone that has been to at least one pool session (although more is recommended).

We will be staying in a Scout building so everyone will need a sleeping bag and if you want some comfort a sleeping mat as well. We have 5 club sleeping bags which will be available on a first come first serve basis once the confirmation emails have been sent out. Also, some of the exec members may have a spare if you ask nicely. As a warning there are no showers so make sure you bring deodorant etc so you don't smell too bad after a lovely day on the river. 

The trip will cost ┬ú35 for the weekend and that includes all the kit and transport. You will only need to bring shoes you donÔÇÖt mind getting wet, swimwear and lots of warm clothes!! We will also be doing a group meal on the saturday night, which will cost ┬ú2, let us know on the day if you don't want it or have any dietry requirements.

If you donÔÇÖt yet have an account on the website youÔÇÖll need to make one before you sign up for the trip.

Hopefully see you all at the pool on Monday.

Love Alan x

Canoe Polo Leam Trip

Posted 8y 8mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Stockton
Polo Leam Trip (week 8)

We'll be heading back to the river Leam for two hours of training next Wednesday.
Sign ups are open, we're limited to 14-15 places so sorry in advance if you miss out. 

When- 1.00pm Wednesday 25th November

Where- Meet at the sports centre and help load the van

Why?- Cos work hard, play hard 

The session is aimed at the whole club (including freshers) and will improving your fitness, boat skills, and control of the ball under pressure.
Don't worry there is no binning. 

Kit list
  • Swim wear
  • Towel
  • Water
  • Water shoes (flipflops, crocs etc)
  • Coat
  • Thermal layers if you have them
Wet suits are available and cags are recommended.
If you'd like to borrow either, post below.

The cost of the trip will be £3, this is to cover hiring the van to transport all the kit (we've actually hired the van this time so there will be considerable less faff )

In addition there will be the cost of getting yourself there, factor in £3.70 for a return on the Bus.
Don't worry, we'll be back in time for POP.

This is my 1000th post on the website :)