
Training courses

Posted 8y 8mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Ollie

Hi all, I hope everyone who went on Freshers had a great time despite everything that happened and that everyone is excited about our next trip to Tyne Tour in a couple of weeks. I know you all can't get enough of kayaking and all want to improve your kayaking skills so we are looking at running some training courses for you to get involved with over the coming year. We are currently looking at running: white water safety course, a 3* kayaking award and possibly a 2* as well depending on interest.

The 3* kayaking is aimed mainly at those who are fairly competent on moving water and dealing with decent sized rapids. So not really for those of you that are completely new to the sport.

White water safety and rescue is aimed at people of a similar level as the 3* but would give you vital skills to help ensure your own and everyoneÔÇÖs safety on the river.

2* is suitable for anyone with just a reasonable skill base, we run through the skills required within our pool sessions term one so anyone who feels comfortable doing all these skills would be suitable for taking their 2* award even without any white water experience.

So if any of the above courses sound interesting then please leave a comment or take part in the Facebook poll. DonÔÇÖt worry youÔÇÖre not signing your life away to anything (at least not yet), this is purely to gauge interest and official signups will be released if sufficient interest is shown. Also I will post more information about prices, dates and locations shortly. If you want to know any more about the courses, want to suggest more courses or wondering what you would be suitable for then feel free to ask either myself or another exec member at any pool session or leave me a message on Facebook J



Posted 8y 9mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Lauren

If you missed out on freshers trip last weekend fear not Tyne Tour is upon us!

From 6th-8th of November we will be heading up North for a weekend of paddling, fireworks, Ceilidhing and socialising. Tyne tour is one of our best trips of the year and involves kayaking clubs from unis all over the country congregating to paddle and party!

Sign ups will go live on the trips part of the website ( at 4:30pm this Thursday (29th October). This is one of our most popular trips of the year so get in there quickly. The trip is again suitable for anyone that has been to at least one pool session (although more is recommended).

We will be camping so everyone will need a sleeping bag. We have 5 club sleeping bags which will be available on a first come first serve basis once the confirmation emails have been sent out. Also, some of the exec members may have a spare if you ask nicely. We have a big club tent so donÔÇÖt panic if you donÔÇÖt have access to one but obviously if you do it would be a good idea to bring it.

The trip will cost ┬ú35 for the weekend and that includes all the kit, transport and the ticket price for the event so really itÔÇÖs a bargain! You will only need to bring shoes you donÔÇÖt mind getting wet, swimwear and lots of warm clothes!!

If you donÔÇÖt yet have an account on the website youÔÇÖll need to make one before you sign up for the trip.

Hopefully see you all at my house for the cocktail social on Thursday!!

Kit and Cocktails!

Posted 8y 9mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Jefff

Our Kit and Cocktails social is this Thursday (29 Oct)!

We will be meeting at the arts centre bus stop at 17.00 and heading to Leam Boat Centre for 18.00. This is a great place to buy kit for upcoming trips at a very good price (anyone who went on Freshers' Trip will appreciate the need for warm kit!).

After that we will be heading to Lauren's house for cocktails! Alan is an expert bartender and has only ever poisoned 2 people so it should be a great time!

If you are interested you will need to bring £5 for cocktails. To help us gauge numbers there is a signup on the website:
You will need an account if you don't already. Instructions on the website.

See you all there!

No Pool Session Weds 21st

Posted 8y 9mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Freja
Just a reminder that the Wednesday pool session this week has been cancelled, as we are circling for Pop!

Instead, come along to Bar Fusion at 6:30ish for circling!

Circling and POP

Posted 8y 9mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Alan

Don't forget guys POP this Wednesday (21st), it is mine and Jeff's first circling so you can't miss it!!! We would love to see as many people as possible, whether new or old. Freshers circling and POP is part of the uni experience I would really recommend trying it out!
Be at BAR FUSION (on campus) at 6:30ish for a 7pm start- be warned it will be busy so try to get there at 6:30ish, then we will head over to POP!

Don't worry if you haven't got a ticket yet, there are still POP tickets left (you don't need a circling ticket for Bar Fusion). So if you don't have a ticket BUY ONE

Leam and Freshers Trips

Posted 8y 9mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Sam
WeÔÇÖve got a couple of trips coming up soon, sign up to secure your place! Leam Trip ÔÇô Wednesday 14th October This Wednesday afternoon we will be going on a trip to the mighty river Leam (in Leamington). This will be a nice sociable flatwater paddle, a great opportunity to practise on a real river. If you would like to come then SIGN UPS ARE OPEN NOW. In order to sign up please make an account on our website ( and then go to ÔÇ£TripsÔÇØ on the left hand side, click on ÔÇ£Leam TripÔÇØ and then ÔÇ£Sign UpÔÇØ. We will be meeting outside the sports centre at 12:30 to organise kit and then travelling to leam on the bus. Luckily this means it is a nice cheap trip as all you have to buy is your bus ticket (~┬ú3.60 return on the U1). Freshers Trip ÔÇô Friday 23rd to Sunday 25th October Our first whitewater trip of the year will be taking place on the weekend of week 3 (23rd-25th October). We will meet on Friday afternoon at 16:00 at the sport centre to load the van with all the kit before heading off to Snowdonia, Wales, for a weekend of cracking whitewater paddling before returning Sunday evening. The entire action packed weekend will cost ┬ú35 (for all transport, accommodation and all equipment provided). Sign ups will open on our website at 16:30 on Thursday 15th (see above for details). From past experience this is a really fun and really popular trip so please sign up swiftly in order to avoid disappointment. Please note than in order to be able to come on the trip you will need to have joined the Canoe Club through the SU.

Sport activator recruitment

Posted 8y 9mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Emma
Had an email this morning about an opportunity to help out with events at Warwick sport. I've attached the email if anyone is interested Good Morning, I just wanted to remind you of the Warwick Sport Activator Recruitment Evening tonight in Rootes, Panarama 7pm start. This is for anyone who is interested in helping out and assisting with our Active Rock up and Play sessions, Leagues, Courses and Events. If there is anyone who just missed out on Exec positions within your club, or maybe you think they would benefit from taking on a little responsibility ÔÇô this would be perfect. The evening will be informal and start with a short presentation from Warwick Active and a quiz. Prizes will be given to the winning quiz teams and one person will win a Warwick Sport Gold Gym Membership! See our Facebook group below; Please circulate this to anyone you think might be interested via email or social media. Entry is free and it promises to be a fun and enjoyable night for all. Kind Regards Iain

Three Legged Bar Crawl!!

Posted 8y 9mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Alan
Fancy being tied to a lovely canoe member, of course!!! With that sorted, be at the Dukes at 7pm on Thursday (15th Oct) night we have out annual three-legged bar crawl, where new members are tied to the tried and tested bunch who make up this club. Expect the odd race and challenge along the way down the Parade. This is a great way to know the club so come along, we would love to see as many new members as possible :)
Don't worry if you don't know where it is, a bunch of people in Canoe hoodies will be at the arts centre bus stop at 18:10! Any questions ask any of us in the blue rash vests at the pool sessions or post on here!


Alan and Jeff


Posted 8y 9mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Sam

Welcome to the website of Warwick University Canoe Club and Warwick University Canoe Polo Club!

The Canoe Club pool sessions (in the campus pool) are:

  • Mondays 21:00-22:00
  • Wednesdays 20:30-22:00
  • Thursdays 15:00-16:00 

For the first two weeks all pool sessions are taster sessions so you don't have to join up yet, come along and give it a go! All the equipment is provided so all you need to worry about bringing along is yourself, swimming stuff and a towel. It doesn't matter if you've never kayaked before or are a 5* pro, we hope to see you there!

Canoe Polo have training sessions in the pool

  • Tuesdays 20:30-22:00
  • Saturdays 19:00-20:30

Again it doesn't matter if you've never heard of canoe polo before, all abilities can join and learn how to play! All you need to bring to the pool sessions are swimming stuff, t-shirt and a towel as we provide all the kit.

Details of our upcoming socials will be released soon so watch this space! (We also end up in the pub after most pool sessions)

If you have any questions feel free message one of the exec members or post on our facebook page ( Hope to see you all soon!

Circling at POP

Posted 8y 9mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Jefff
We are circling at POP on Week 3 (21 oct) and 9 (3 dec). The theme for Week 3 is animals and Week 9 is anything but clothes. Buy your circling tickets ASAP to avoid disappointment! More details to follow.