
YOGA week 7

Posted 4y 0mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Claudia

Hope you’ve all recovered from Epic Party!!!


For your weekly yoga fix head to this link at 2pm today: 


See you there,


Polo Demograohics Survey

Posted 4y 1mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Laura

Hello to all my Polo peeps :)


I have a little task to occupy you for a minute or two this merry quarantine.

We’re doing a demographics survey on our members:


Knowing more about you can help us make sure the Polo club is inclusive for all our members. This data will also show us which areas we should focus on to better our diversity, and to ensure a welcoming and accommodating space for everyone.

This data is also essential in finding a sponsorship. The more responses we get, the more information we can give to potential sponsors, meaning funding to keep running club events and make positive changes wherever we can.


The survey is completely anonymous. There’s also an optional section at the end so we can hear your ideas on how to boost diversity and make our club more inclusive.


Much Polo love,

Laura and the Exec x

Yoga week 6 on INTERNATIONAL YOGA DAY🧘‍♀️🌏🧘‍♂️

Posted 4y 1mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Claudia

Yoga week 6 on INTERNATIONAL YOGA DAY├░┼©┬º╦£‍├óÔäóÔé¼├»┬©┬Å├░┼©┼Æ┬Å├░┼©┬º╦£‍├óÔäóÔÇÜ├»┬©┬Å


That’s right paddlers today is none other than International Yoga Day!!

What better day than today to jump on the bandwagon if you haven’t already and join us TODAY at 2PM at 


Guaranteed to leave you feeling less stressed and more refreshed (or your money back!├░┼©╦£ÔÇ░)


All the yoga love,

Claudia xoxo


PS the eagle eyed among you may notice that I’ve skipped day 6’s video - that’s just because I thought a full body yoga was most appropriate for International Yoga Day (did you know that’s today!?) - we’ll be back on schedule next week!!


Posted 4y 1mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Claudia
Happy Sunday!!
The link for your weekly yoga (2pm today) fix is
It’s a slightly shorter session today, so if you’re yet to join us and are a bit unsure, this week is the week for you!!
Claudia xxx


Posted 4y 1mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Claudia
Its week 4 of yoga!
Join us from 2pm today at this link:
And once again I’ll be on the yoga channel on the discord:
Hope to see you there,
Claudia xxx

Yoga yoga yoga

Posted 4y 1mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Claudia

Join us from 2pm today for week 3 of yoga!!


This is the link we’ll be using: 


And once again I’ll be on the yoga channel on the discord: 


Feel free to get family and friends involved!!├░┼©╦£ÔÇ×


Happy yoga-ing,


Claudia xxx


(This is the YouTube link for anyone who wants: )


Posted 4y 2mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Claudia
For your weekly yoga de-stress fix, join us from 2pm today!
Just like last week I’ll be using watch2gether, so head to this link from 2pm (I’ll start it a few minutes later to give everyone a chance to log on!!├ó╦£┬║├»┬©┬Å)
For anyone who wants, I’ll also be sitting in the yoga channel on the discord from about 2pm as well:))
Any questions, drop me a message,
Yoga love,
(PS if you can’t wait until 2pm to find out - this is the video we will be following - it’s the next in the series we started last week



Posted 4y 2mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Claudia

Hi everyone!


Its day 1 of our yoga de-stress sessions, so if you fancy joining us, head over to the yoga channel on the discord from about 2pm today! ├ó╦£┬║├»┬©┬Å


Discord link:


I’m going to try and stream the video through discord by screen sharing, but in the event this doesn’t work (likely), this is the youtube link we’ll be following:


Feel free to get friends/family/housemates involved, or, like I mentioned in the previous post, just use this as a (well deserved!) revision break!


Happy yoga-ing!!


Claudia and both execs ├ó╦£┬║├»┬©┬Å

🧘‍♀️ YOGA 🧘‍♂️

Posted 4y 2mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Claudia
Hi everyone!!
As some of you might have heard, we were hoping to begin running casual canoe yoga sessions in term 3 as a bit of a sociable de-stress.
Clearly that won’t be happening in the way we’d originally thought, so instead we’re going to take it virtual!
Starting this Sunday 17th May at 2pm, we’ll be heading over to our new yoga channel on the discord whilst following a youtube video – don’t worry, we’ll be starting with something suitable for beginners!
I’ll make a reminder post on the day with the links – so looking forward to yoga-ing with you then:)
Even if yoga isn’t your thing, feel free to take this as dedicated time for yourself – we are living in crazy times, so a little bit of self-care can go a long way!
I hope everyone is keeping safe and well!!
Lots of yoga love,
Claudia and both the execs
PS if you’re yet to join us on the discord, here is the link:

Online Cards Against Humanity

Posted 4y 2mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: DanC
Online Cards Against Humanity,
Evening all, as is tradition James and I will be hosting the social this week as the new social secs. As we are still in lockdown, we will be hosting cards against humanity online on the website below.
We will be using discord during the event to allow people to chat, so please look there for the name of our game and the password so you can join. If the numbers allow we will get multiple games running at the same time.
We will be aiming to start at 7.30 ish on Thursday 7th. If you are having any problems with this please let us know.
Social love,
Dan, James and all the exec