Sup paddlers!!
It’s the moment you’ve all been waiting for – BEANIE ORDERS!!!├░┼©┬ñ┬®├░┼©┬ñ┬®
We are doing new order for our beaut beanies!!!├░┼©┼¢ÔÇ░├░┼©┼¢ÔÇ░
Each beanie will cost approximately £20 (exact price depends on how many people order).
So if you fancy grabbing yourself this warm, knitted, stylish item, then please put your name in this form:
(not very long I know but means we can get our order in as soon as possible!!)
**Refreshers Trip**
├░┼©┼ÆÔäóEvening/Morning├ó╦£Ôé¼├»┬©┬Å all,
Hope you are all ready for another year of kayaking as we are hitting the ground running├░┼©┬ÅãÆ├óÔäóÔÇÜ├»┬©┬Å with our first trip of the term next weekend (17th - 19th January), where we will be trekking off to South Wales.
Promises to be another good weekend of kayaking, and is still a great opportunity to join us on a trip if you haven't done so already or if you just want to get back into the swing of things.├░┼©╦£┬ü
Only requirement is that you must have been to one of our pool sessions beforehand. Signups will go live this Friday (10th) at noon.
See you all at the curry later today,
Canoe Love,├ó┬Ø┬ñ├»┬©┬Å├ó┬Ø┬ñ├»┬©┬Å├ó┬Ø┬ñ├»┬©┬Å
F.Chris & the Canoe exec
Salut Santa Salmons, ├░┼©┬É┼©
Today is your last chance to sign up to secret Santa ├░┼©┼¢ÔǪ with tomorrow being name drawing day.
Gifts will be exchanged at the annual Christmas meal with a £10 max spending limit. If you’ve already signed up, feel free to add some gift ideas for those of us who are uncreative ├░┼©╦£ÔǪ
Much Christmas Love ♥├»┬©┬Å├░┼©┼¢ÔÇ× ├░┼©ÔÇ║┬À
Owen, Cam and the festive Exec!