
Last Day to Sign Up for Warwick Tournaments!

Posted 4y 8mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Lara
There are still spaces to play in the upcoming tournament this week!
The tournaments are a great opportunity to play against other teams and in a proper competitive format. It’s a great learning opportunity, so if you want to play but you’re not sure you’re good enough, sign up anyway! We’re running a tactics talk tonight, and Friday’s session will be a BLadies session specifically to prepare for the tournament :)
If you’re still not sure, shoot me a message and we can chat about it.
Bs signups here
Ladies signups here
Signups close at 6pm, so get going!
Polo Love ├░┼©╦£╦£,

Bladies Tournament!

Posted 4y 8mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Lara


Our indoor tournaments are back this term! It’s a great opportunity to play together as a team, on your own turf, against other actual university teams!

Our tournament will be in the Sports Hub pool on the 16/11/19 (Week 6 Saturday) from 12:00-20:00. It’s two tournaments that run simultaneously for Bs and Ladies, so if you’d like to be part of the team, please sign up!

Anyone is welcome to sign up, though it doesn’t guarantee you a space on the team unfortunately. This is a great training opportunity too, so don’t think you don’t have a chance just because you’re new to the sport!

Find the signup links at

Any questions, comments, or opinions? Send them my way!

From friendly neighbourhood Coach, Lara


Posted 4y 8mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Owen

Hey everyone!

This week's social lands on 31st October, that can only mean one thing, it's time for Halloween!

We'll be heading to my house (6 Silverbirch Avenue, CV4 8LP (Use my postcode in maps, the address never seems to work)) for some Halloween themed games and other shenanigans. It's BYOB and fancy dress is required.

If you're not too sure where to go, some of the exec will be meeting at the bus interchange for 7 (you don't need to take the bus, it's Canley) so you can have some walking buddies, otherwise, see you there at 7:30

See you there

Social Love

Owen, Cameron and all the exec

Christmas Meal

Posted 4y 9mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Owen
(Yes, it's early)
Hey everyone!
Can you believe it's 58 sleeps till Christmas!?
Sounds like it's time to start planning our Christmas meal! We will be heading to the Phantom Coach in Canley for a meal on 5th December, Thursday week 10 (yep, we're getting in there early for this one).
The cost will be £10.99 per person for 3 courses, you can see the menu here:
If you'd like to come along, please do the following:
Pick your food options here:
Please make sure you have done both before 6th November at 12pm!
Also, please note by signing up you are committing to pay, even if you don't turn up.
Social Love
Owen, Cameron and all the exec


Dartmoor Trip

Posted 4y 9mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Fresher Christine

**Dartmoor Trip**

Morning fellow gnar shredders,

We had an interesting Freshers trip this weekend, but if you missed out then don’t worry as we have another trip going on this term: Dartmoor (Wk5)!

On the 1-3 November (weekend of Week 5) we will be heading down to Dartmoor to paddle the River Dart. If you have no idea what this river is about take a look at this schmexy video

The river is suitable for paddlers of any ability, with the only requirement being that you have been to at least one of our pool sessions prior to the trip (Mon & Wed 20:30 – 22:00). The trip will cost £42 and signups will go live this Thursday at 12:00 (noon). Sign up at

We look forward to seeing everyone who is coming to Kit & Cocktails this Thursday, where we will be meeting at the bus interchange on Campus 7pm to head straight to the Leam Boat Centre. Don’t forget to sign up for cocktails or mocktails on in advance!

Canoe Love├ó┬Ø┬ñ├»┬©┬Å├ó┬Ø┬ñ├»┬©┬Å├ó┬Ø┬ñ├»┬©┬Å

F.Chris & the Canoe Exec

Rock Up & Play Sessions!

Posted 4y 9mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Jack
Rock Up & Play Canoe Pool Sessions!
Bonus Canoe pool sessions at the Sports Hub every Tuesday 14:30-15:30! These are "Rock Up & Play Sessions" so are free for non-members too  (only requirement is to be a Warwick Student or member of staff), so tell your friends to come along!

Just remember to sign up to each Rock Up session before attending (by follow instructions below):
  1. Follow this link:
  2. Scroll down and press the 'Book Now' button.
  3. Type "Canoe" in the Search bar, and click the magnifying glass to filter results.
  4. Click on the blue "R U Canoeing Tue 14:30" button.
  5. Click the green Book Button (tells you the number of remaining spaces for the session).
  6. Click the new green Book Button.
  7. Hopefully you should be booked on, and receive a confirmation email from Warwick Sport!
Note: If you later need to Cancel after booking on, click on the dustbin icon and then Confirm cancellation.

Please spread the word about these sessions to help us keep these Rock Ups running!

Canoe Love,
Faff 1 & Canoe Activators

Canoe Polo Rules Talk

Posted 4y 9mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Lara

Feel like you don’t know what you’re doing in sessions? Want to know what the  funny signals the ref makes mean? Want to stop asking so many questions? (me too)

Come to the Canoe Polo Rules talk! The main rules talk for the year will be happening on Tuesday at 19:00 in L4!

Featuring! Rules! Cards! Signals! Kahoots!

Come along to learn the rules, and you’ll learn more about the game at the same time too. This will be important in sessions as, from Tuesday, we will be reffing to the complete set of rules.

Returners, are of course also welcome too, as it will be a great refresher of the rules and obviously will include the updated 2019 ruleset.

Love, your friendly, neighbourhood coach, Lara

P.S. If you have any questions, or can’t make Tuesday, feel free to message me any time :)

Kit and Cocktails

Posted 4y 9mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Owen

Hey Everyone!

Next week on Thursday (24th October) we will be heading for our annual trip to Leam Boat Centre and afterwards we will go to 39 Gordon Street for some cocktails.

We'll be leaving campus from the bus interchange around 19:00 as usual, look out for some exec members.

The cost for this social will be either £5 for cocktails or £3 for mocktails, there will be an open bar for the night so the cost is for the evening, not per drink.

For this trip you'll need to sign up, just like a trip on the website:
Alcoholic Signups:
Non-Alcoholic Signups:

To pay, either pay me or Cameron in person, or use this handy-dandy link:

Social Love
Owen, Cameron and all of the Exec


Posted 4y 9mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Owen

Hey everyone!

It's almost time for week 3 Pop! Remember the theme is "Under the Sea" we want to see some great costumes!

Be sat down in the Copper Rooms with your drinks by 7:30!

If you still need a ticket, let me or one of the exec know and we'll try and source one for you.

Social Love
Owen, Cameron and all of the exec

< < Freshers Trip Signups Open! > >

Posted 4y 9mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Rowan

Signups for Freshers Trip are now open, get over to and get signed up!

At the end of week 3 (18th-20th Oct) we’ll be heading to Llangollen in N Wales for a weekend of introductory white water paddling, this is a great way to experience what our club is really about and try something completely new.

The trip will cost £29.10 and covers transport, kit and accommodation for the whole weekend.