
Friday Week 7 Polo

Posted 4y 8mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Lara

Hi guys,

Due to the Ladies Tournament on Saturday, Friday's session is focused on working with the ladies' team that will be going. Everyone is still welcome, but please sign up on the website to let us know you're coming and can plan accordingly :)

Click here for the link

Polo Love,



Posted 4y 8mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Fresher Christine


Morning everyone,

On Saturday 8th March (Week 9) we will be heading down to Cardiff International Whitewater centre. This is a man made white water course and is a great place to practice everything you have learnt over the year in a controlled environment. All members are welcome (Highly recommended for Scotland peeps as you will get your shred sled a week early├░┼©┬ñ┬®)

Cost for course entry is £12.50 pp if you are a new/expired member or don't have an NUS card. If you have an NUS card it is £5 pp.

Signups will go live tomorrow @ noon at

Canoe Love,
F.Chris & the canoe exec├ó┬Ø┬ñ├ó┬Ø┬ñ├ó┬Ø┬ñ

WWR signups open

Posted 4y 8mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Rowan

BUCS WWR signups open at 


Scotland Signups

Posted 4y 8mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Owen

Scotland sign ups are now open!!!!

Real Ale

Posted 4y 8mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Owen
Hey Everyone
For this weeks social we will be heading to the Real Ale festival on campus to try some of the fine beverages on offer. We'll be heading in on Thursday, starting from 6PM, entry is £3.50 and it's cash only. There will be a wide variety of beers on offer along with other alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, there will also be some entertainment/live music and a hog roast.
Hope to see you all there
Social Love
Owen, Cameron and all the exec


Posted 4y 8mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Beta Matt

><> SCOTLAND HYPEMAS - DAY 4 & 5 <><

I've neglected the website because I worked out how to schedule posts on Facebook and couldn't on the website so I gave up and for that, I am sorry.

The fourth reason for signing up for Scotland is the fashion. A fabulously designed t-shirt is included in the price (or can be bought separately if you aren’t coming on the trip) and daily Strawbridges mean there are some good looks throughout the week.


What is the best thing to do after a long day of paddling? Stay up all night (obviously). Social night is a highlight of every tour and has provided many a classic story. It will happen one night in the second bunkhouse and will feature the clubs own special brand of eliminator. Costumes are mandatory (even if that's just the tour t-shirt) and must be based on the tour theme which will be announced after sign-ups.


Sign ups are happening tomorrow at 19.55, lots of people will be signing up at the duck.



Posted 4y 8mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Beta Matt


The whitewater isn’t the only the reason Scotland is the best trip of the year, we also get swanky bunkhouses with actual beds. We will be staying in a new bunkhouse for the first half of the trip this year, Glenbeg Bunkhouse (, and then move to the Great Glen Hostel which is a club classic. Not only are the bunkhouses comfy but the minibus is too. New minibuses (RIP the old ones) mean no bars in the seats, so the drive will be much less painful this year.
Remember sign-ups will go live at 19.55 next Monday.


Posted 4y 8mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Beta Matt


The second reason to go on Scotland is that you get your very own shred sled for the week. You can outfit your boat at the start of the week, and it will stay that way. This means that your boat can fit you properly.


Remember sign-ups open on Monday at 19.55.




Posted 4y 8mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Beta Matt

><> SCOTLAND 2020 – HYPEMAS DAY 1 <><

The main reason we go kayaking is for the whitewater, and some of the best whitewater is in Scotland. We will have 8 days of paddling where you will be able to hone your gnar shredding skills on rivers like the Findhorn, Garry, Spean and (fingers crossed) the Etive. We may even get to do some new sections.

Remember that sign-ups will open on Monday at 19.55.

Photo Bar Crawl

Posted 4y 8mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Owen
Hey Everyone
This weeks social will be Photo Bar Crawl, we'll be heading to Leamington to visit some fine establishments whilst getting photos of some beautiful landmarks.
This is also going to be just after paddleathon so it'll be a great way to celebrate!
Route is TBC, but I'll post it before we leave so people can join midway.
Hope to see lots of you there.
Social Love
Owen, Cameron and all the exec